
If you had 100,00 dollars what would you do with it?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so, my great uncle just died and he left 100,000 dollars in heritance for me. What do you think I dhould do with it?




  1. Depends on how old you are.

    If your older, probably invest it in low risk investments, like: bonds, CoDs. But the return on it is minimal.

    If your younger and can risk then you could do stocks, spend some of that money on good stock investing books and do your research well, and IF YOUR GOOD ENOUGH you could maybe turn that $100k into $1 million.

    OR, you could spend it on things....

  2. I personally would buy a house.  $100k down would be nice, only having to finance about $50k!  Of course, I'm in my 30's, married, have 2 kids and have lived in apartments ever since they were babies (14 years ago).  SO a house is a priority for me.

    If I was young I'd probably pay for college.  Go on a trip and invest some for my future.

    If I was older, I would invest for retirement, and probably buy a boat.

  3. I'm sorry about your uncle!

    Yahoo answers is a great place for ideas, but you need to get some professional advice in this case.

    You need to speak to a fee only financial planner. They will help you determine what is important to you (ex: maybe you want to buy a house, and invest some of it, and help out family, etc...) and how best to use the money. The financial planner will work with you to figure out what YOU want to do with the money. They can then offer you advice as to how to do those things (ex: what kind of house you can afford, where to invest it, etc...).

    You must speak to an expert. You must speak to a fee only financial planner.

    Good luck!

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