
If you had 15 questions to ask someone to get to know them better, what would you ask?

by  |  earlier

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Me and a new friend of mine know some stuff about each other but just wanna get to know each other better.

Oh, and keep in mind we're teenagers.




  1. if u were stranded on an island with unlimited food and water and could only bring 1 thing what would it be?

  2. What kind of music do you like and who are your favourite bands?

    What are your favourite movies and what was the part you liked best?

    Do you like to travel and where have you been?

    Tell me about your culture (if different from yours)

    What's your favourite season and what sports do you like best?

    What is your favourite food and favourite take out place

    Do you believe in God or another supreme being?

    Are you introverted or extroverted?  Do you like group activities or one on one activities?

    Tell me some characteristics that are important to you in a good friend

    Do you have brothers and sisters? What are they like? Are you close?

    What are your hobbies

    What do you want to do when you're finished school?

    Have you ever been to summer camp?  Did you enjoy?  Best parts?

    Ask about clothes/fashion/hairstyles/piercings/tat... etc.

    Ask if they have or do use drugs/alcohol/tobacco products and if so what and how much?

    Ask what the best time and the worst time in their life so far was

  3. I you could meet one person, alive or dead, that you have never met who would it be?

    What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

    Lol sry I'm not gonna go for 15.

  4. what's your favorite kind of music?

    do you play any instruments? if so what?

    what's your favorite sport?

    what's your favorite ice cream fllavor?

    where do you wanna go to college? (only works if your in high school lol)

    what major do you plan on taking?

    what do you wanna be when you grow up?

    what do you like to do on your spare time?

    what movies have you seen recently?

    thats all i can think of lol

  5. what would your ideal job be, if you could do anything

    what are your favorite song lyrics

    do you believe in god

    do you think you could change the world

    who's your favorite talk show host

    define love

    if you had to pick up and leave now, to move to another country, where would you go

    do you think that being involved in politics makes any difference in this country

    do you believe in fate/destiny

    what's the last book you read

    what's the worst job you've ever had

    do you ever want to get married

    whats the one thing you've done that you regret most

    whats your perfect date

    whats the craziest thing you have ever done

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