
If you had 40,000 cash, to start a small business?

by  |  earlier

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What would you get into?Home based,franchising or your own business?




  1. own business, importing and exporting that kind of thing

  2. Own business defiantly but do your research first don't rush things

  3. Own Buisness.

    ..Yeah. That's what I'd Do (:

  4. You own business, started in your garage or study room. And before going wild because I have this 40K,  I'd invest it first, keep my job for a while and try to get  a clear idea of what I want to do, get a business plan (maybe take one of those short courses about business budgeting and all that's involved) and proceed cautiously. It might be easier to start with this part-time, because a bank will be ready to lend you "start-up" money if you have a steady income. They will not lend you money just because you have that 40K - which you can withdraw anytime anywyay.

  5. I would set up my own business, you don't need anywhere near 40K to do that though.  5k would give you a good start.

  6. own green grocer bussines there is always a market out there for fruit and veg

  7. I would start a home based business. Look 40k isn't really that much so you do not want to use up all that startup capital on overhead, retail space, inventory etc...

    Nothing wrong with a conventional business if you are adequately capitalized.  Listen, you will make some mistakes along the way so you will need some room to mess up.

    Why a turnkey home/internet type of business?

    -low overhead

    -low startup

    -large income potential

    -turnkey product delivery

    -usually no employee needed at the start

    -quick startup

    -room to make mistakes

    Start a turnkey home based / internet business make money and then later move into conventional types of business models with more knowledge and capital, if you want. I know many who make multiple 6 and 7 figures from a home based business or internet business.

    So, your next step would be finding these businesses and doing your research.

    To get you started and give you a reference point,  below are links to a couple of resources. Use them as a reference points in your search.

    Good luck..

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