
If you had ONE wish.. what would you wish for? (except more wishes LOL) =]?

by  |  earlier

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oh it gets asked every day =S soz lol i never look in this category




  1. I would wish for the guy I truly, honestly, deeply love (and have loved for the past four years) back =[  

  2. Jack's

  3. I wish I were normal.

  4. World Peace

  5. Purple Rain dude!!

  6. I would wish for my Good Health to continue.  

  7. for the guy i like to like me

    i know thats dumb :\ but i really like him

  8. To get married.... i know its cheezy, but I want to

  9. I would wish that everybody could be rich and all the celebs be dead broke

  10. 36D's  

  11. For all insects to just go away! Or for more confidence...

    Maybe if I'm in a really wicked mood I'd ask to understand and control time :P

  12. I would wish for a go-kart  

  13. I wish that Montana Governor Schweitzer would replace Hank Hudson of the Montana DPHHS.

  14. The ability to choose when i die

  15. I wish...I could tell you, but if I did it might not come true :)

  16. Good health. Mine sucks.

  17. To be Superman or Dicky Davies.

  18. to have love... true love forever

    can you answer this:

  19. One Wish ? er er A bigger stash!

  20. for my heart's truest desire =]


  21. for my family to be happy

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