
If you had a child circumcised, were they in a lot of pain afterwards? How old were they?Was it for religious?

by Guest65603  |  earlier

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reasons or for medical reasons?

Don't answer if you're going to moan abou circumcision. I'm not interested, and know arguments for and against. I'm just interested in knowing some details to cure my own curiosity.




  1. None of them are pain free!


  2. I had my son circumcised before he ever left the hospital -- he was 2 days old and I don't regret it one bit!

    He didn't cry much -- actually, I don't remember him ever crying because of that. It looked pink/red and irritated for a few days, then it got better and better until it looked fully normal!

    Keep vaseline on it so it doesn't stick to his diaper though. What I found to work best (because I didn't want to touch it and risk hurting him) I bought the little squirt tubes of vaseline and just rubbed some on the front inside of his diaper. Do this after EVERY diaper change and he'll be fine -- it protects them from irritation and helps them heal very quickly.

    Like I said earlier, I don't regret doing it one bit and if I have another son(s), I'll circumcise them too!

    I also breastfeed and co-sleep and am a wonderful mother -- don't let ANYONE tell you that circumcision is bad on the baby. You want to do it, do it! Its relatively painless and they won't remember it when they get older. Do it for hygiene if nothing else.

    Good luck sweetie! <3

  3. I had all three of my sons circumcised. My reasons were pretty simple, I think. They were mostly social. I didn't want them to feel different from other boys in the locker room,etc. I also had some older friends who weren't and they said they had hygiene problems. I know it had to hurt while it was happening because they all screamed, but after a few minutes they seemed fine. Everything healed quickly and I'm not all all sorry I had it done. I spent a lot of time researching before I made a decision about it and still feel like I made the best choice for my boys. I guess the most important thing to remember is that it's a parents personal choice and hopefully you make the right one for your family.

  4. I had both my sons circumcised.  It was mainly for medical reasons, and because my husband felt strongly about it.  Neither of them were in any pain afterwards and it healed very quickly.


    THey were newborns - it was done about 24 hours after their birth.

  5. You should get the cerc.

    I wish my parents did...

  6. My son was circumcised when he was one day old.  He was fussy that night, but seemed fine after.  I didn't have any strong feelings on the subject and let my husband make the decision.  His reasoning was social - most boys are, so he didn't want  our son to be different.  

    My nephew wasn't circumcised and he ended up having it done around 9 years old because everyone else in the locker room was and he didn't want to look different.  I don't know if it was painful for him or not.

  7. i feel quite strongly that even though circumcising can be quite painless nowadays, its simply unnecessary

    only do it if a health problem arises

  8. My son had to be circumcised when he was 4 as he had recurring infections under his f******n and the cause could not be identified. He was in minor pain afterwards he in his words it isn't as sore as when I get the green gunge there.

  9. I would never do that to my son(s)...

    We're not religious and unless theres a medical reason it is pointless! Out of the seven males in my family not one of us is circumcised (to my knowledge) and not one of us has ever had a medical issue

  10. my child was done at 1wk and he was pain free and didnt have any problems, i did it for health reasons and i felt it was the right thing to do

  11. of course it is, there are long term effects from the pain, breast feeding issues, vaccination pain etc...

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