
If you had a choice, would you rather lose your sight or your hearing and why?

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If you had a choice, would you rather lose your sight or your hearing and why?




  1. i would rather loose my hearing that way i could see . i couldnt imagine hearing but no seeing? what about you

  2. Hearing because I'm always afraid of walking off of a cliff or walking out in front of a car!!!!!!

  3. Hearing - I'm such a skeptic, I really need to see.

  4. My hearing.  If I couldn't see the beautiful things in this world, what's the point?

  5. yeah i'd have to go with what everyone here when they agreed on hearing.

    i want to witness the most mundane things which defines life. i want to see all my loved ones and the beautiful colours that make up this world.

    most importantly i want to DREAM.

    if i cant see the world and objects and people, what would i dream of? total darkness?

  6. easy... hearing because with sight i can still navigate the world and read everything and still watch movies and enjoy being independent....

    u loose ur sight its pretty much over

  7. Sight as helen keller once said "Blindness isolates me from things,But deafness isolates me from people".

  8. Eye site, because if you can see who you want to talk to but cant hear them your blinded anyway!  How many people will know how to sine?

    You don't need eye sight, to see the most important things!

    Go figure!

  9. I much rather loose my hearing instead of my sight. With sight I can drive and be independent in driving the car and drive wherever I want to go.

    Blindness does not separate a person from people and things. People with blindness are taught mobility skills, have seeing eye dogs, taught Braille, taught to take care of themselves and with the help of modern day technology, they have assistance in reading, using the computer and etc.

    Deafness does not separate a person from people and the world. Persons with Deafness have alternative methods of communication (Closed Captioning, TTY-TTD, Video Phones, Sign Language, and etc.).

  10. I would rather lose my hearing.

    Without hearing you can still enjoy the world around. You can lip read,still drive,and pretty much lead the same life you had. Being blind you have to relearn how to do pretty much everything and you can't drive and must rely on others to help you get along.

  11. If I had to choice it would be my hearing. I like listening to the radio but I could live without having to hear just how stupid some people sound when they decide to run their mouth off.

  12. I would have to go with hearing too.  If other people don't know how to sign, there is always the good old fashioned pen and paper to communicate.  

    Think of everything we do that we need sight for.





    Dressing ourselves

    Entertainment (even TV's have closed captioning)

    I think that sight makes all of our other senses more meaningful.  For example, touch, taste and smell are definitely enhanced by the sense of sight.  Hearing is much the same way too.

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