
If you had a credit card for a few years but it also had a 19.00 annual fee, would you keep the card for...?

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your credit rating, or would you consider that too much money to spend on just having the card?




  1. we already pay way too much on the interest rates themselves let alone adding an other fee on top of it...even though it's 'annual'

    Get a no-annual fee card...those are always better...annual fee cards are not worth it.

  2. What you do in this case is call the number on the back and request that the annual fee be taken off. You've been a card holder for a few years so chances are they will accomodate you unless the company is stupid. Basically you are the one with more leverage in this case (unless you have bad credit), as you can easily go to a much better card and transfer your balance.

    Another tip, if you ever get a late fee because you somehwo forget etc etc. you can also get that waived. Most companies will allow one a year.

    You have to take the most advantage of your credit card, because that is what they are doing to you.

  3. if it were me, i'd get one with no anual fee, although i've found that usually means you pay a slightly higher interest rate.  it also depends how good your credit is.

  4. $19 is far better than those that have over $100 or $200.  If you don't mind it, keep it.  Or try to find one that has no annual and then close the $19 account.

  5. If you are not going to use it ... cancel it.

  6. depends on the interest rate. also, if it's an old line of credit, you don't want to close that line down  as it helps your credit score.  but, ask them to waive the fee if you aren't using the card right now.

  7. You can do what I did and contact the cc company-tell them you've been a customer x number of years and would like to have yearly fee waived or you may be forced to cancel card for company that does not charge a yearly fee. For me they not only cancelled yearly fee but upped my credit limit. With credit card companies don't be afraid to haggle. Some will work with you, you just need to ask.

  8. i would cancel it!!!

  9. I REFUSE to pay an annual fee.  I think they get enough money on interest, why on earth should I pay them for the honor of giving them more money.  I personally would find a new card.  Some people with bad credit don't have a choice.. if you have good credit, they should be fighting over you to use thier card and give you points, awards or whatever....not the other way around.

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