
If you had a dream last night and your dreams usually come true...should you tell your friend about it???

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream my friend got the job he wanted...

I wanted to dream about ME (ya know chillin on a nude beach or something) but for whatever reason it was all about him.

No nude beach - no underwear models ...this is why I think it is a "real" dream.

Could I be wrong?




  1. you got the hots for this friend and just won't admit it.  Just go to some nude beach instead of trying to dream about one.  They aren't that great...lots of old wrinkled people with skin cancer.  

    I dont have dreams like that.  Mine are usually about animals and stuff.

  2. Sometimes dreams come true and sometimes they don't.

    But it would br really cool if you went up to him and told him that you had a dream where he got the job he wants.

  3. I hope your dreams are correct. The friend probably needs all the help he can get, in light of the current economy. Just keep your fingers crossed for him and continue to think good thoughts. I'm sure your friend truly appreciates the good vibes you're putting out and would give you a big hug right now, if he could. :)

  4. I believe that most of the time dreams are actually feedbacks from the brain after weighing, comparing, and processing all information available issues perhaps the one you did give much attention when you were awake and then giving the most likely outcome. Sometimes it can turnout to be true depending on the reliability of all processed information. Imagine a computer on one of those days when you try to open something and it does not open immediately and later when you are already on something else it comes up. This simply means that its brain was busy on the background.

  5. If the dream is good, tell the person it involves.  If the dream is bad, do not tell anyone, lest it occur.  Tell this dream to your friend.  It may occur.


  6. Haven't had a dream that came dream!

    and I don't expect to!

  7. You don't want to know what my dreams are

  8. THAT'S CRAZY!!!  I dreamt about you nude on a beach!!!

  9. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    I hope it was about Billy and the job is in Florida.

  10. Yes, it could be wrong about the nude beach and the underwear

    of the guys' model.

  11. I like your kind of dreams. I have actually done that once years ago and it was uncomfortable. I got burned in the wrong places. My dreams are weird and usually a lot of fun but none have come true.

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