I had a flat tire recently on a highway in a semi-populated "country" side (so, it's not exactly a ghost town) going back to home from work around 5pm. I travel this route 5 days a week to commute to work, so I am familiar with this area. (There is decent traffic on this route.) Unfortunately on that very same day, I had forgotten my cell phone. Double bad luck.
So, how would you have handled this matter?
A) Would have signaled for help to an oncoming car?
B) Walk a mile where the nearest gas station is located (the nearst open business to public)?
C) Walk to the housing subdivision which is within "walking" distance (less than 500 ft).
I chose C. This is a non-gated middle class housing subdivision, so it was well kept. I make about 30K, and I dressed descently with well-kept appearance as I always do. I am Asian. As a stranger, I entered the subdivison and knocked on several doors hopefully someone could help me. I found out pretty soon, it wasn't a good idea. more...