
If you had a history of early miscarriages and found out you were pregnant, would you tell anyone?

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I have had 3 miscarriages at about 6 weeks. I just took a HPT and it was positive. I am really excited but very scared. I've done it both ways - told everyone about the pregnancy and then had to "untell" and kept it between just DH and me. Right now I don't know what I want to do about telling. What would you do?




  1. i think i would wait to tell anyone except your significant other until i was about 3 months along. i believe thats about the time that risk of miscarriage goes down. good luck w/ the pregnancy.  

  2. I would wait until you've passed that "critical

    time" whenever that has been before. No need

    gloating until you're along enough to "show" and

    things are going along better than before. You

    will have plenty of time to brag then (after all,

    you will be pregnant up to 9 months if things

    go normally).

  3. Wait 3 months before you tell anyone, that is our belief.  You should only those close to you that would understand or assist you. Parents, Spouse etc...

  4. I wouldn't tell anyone til you are at least 12 weeks. That seems to be the standard and everything I have heard says if you make it past 12 weeks you usually are in the clear. Don't tell anyone til then if you have a history of miscarriages.  

  5. I would wait for awhile so that you don't have to "untell" should you have a repeat of your past problem.  I hope everything goes well this time around.

  6. I had one miscarriage and then I got pregnant with my son. I didn't tell anyone until I passed the "safe" point at 12 weeks, I'm pregnant again with my daughter and I didn't tell anyone again until after I passed 12 weeks. Tell your DH and if you want to tell others, tell them. For me it would hurt too bad to have to tell them I lost the baby again. It's really your decision.

  7. Maybe you should tell your immediate family but nobody outside of that circle just in case you miscarry again. When you're about 2.5 months or so and if everything is going good then I would tell others.  

  8. It can go either way... if you tell now and something happens, then you have everyone as a support team! =)  Sucks you would have to tell them again... but thats what family is there for... Im sure they would love to know that you are expecting!

  9. Its your choice. I can understand why you would be leary. I guess if I were in your situation, I would only tell my mother or someone very close to me (best friend, husband, etc) if you needed the support. Try to relax though. Stressing out wont help your body. Goodluck and don't give up!

  10. i would wait til 3 or 4 months just to make sure everything is ok

    it hurts to tell loved ones they get u really excited and then to tell them all its not happeninig just hurts toooo much

  11. I went through something similar. The second time around I didn't tell my employer or anyone I wasn't very close to. It was hard after my miscarriage to bump into people who "heard" I was pregnant who was congratulating me and have to explain that I lost the baby. And it was uncomfortable for all of us.

    Sorry about your loss. I wish you the best!

  12. I would wait, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to go through a miscarriage without the support of my family and close friends. Only tell the people that you would be ok with "untelling". and let them know to keep it a secret until 12 weeks or so. Then you get the best of both worlds.

  13. I would keep it between you and your significant other until your first trimester is over, that way if you miscarry again you will be the only two in your familes that know it.  

  14. just to save yourself the pain of having to tell people that its over again i would wait until you begin the second trimester. the risk dramatically drops.

    good luck!

  15. I wouldn't tell until afterwards at about 3 months.

  16. Tell a close friend.  but not everyone. It will feel good to share this with someone close to you.

  17. I had 3 miscarriage before we conceived our daughter, I didn't tell a soul until we were past the scary part of 12 weeks then went all out!  I would reccomend not telling anyone but your doctor until you are past your twelve weeks.  Good Luck,


  18. I would just wait to make sure that you

    are keeping this one because it will make

    it so much easier on you too without people

    trying to comfort you. I would tell them either

    after you think you are going to keep it or after

    it is already lost.

  19. I agree with carmen. I would get past 12 weeks first.

  20. i have also had three m/c. and am pregnant. it is kinda hard to keep the news to yourself. but i feel that if family didnt know then i would not have thier support if it happened again

  21. I would keep it to yourself for a while, at least until your in the clear and everything is going ok.  Go see your doctor, if you have had 3 miscarriage's, I would assume you would be marked as a high risk pregnancy.  Good luck. I hope everything turns out ok for you!  

  22. I think you should tell the people that will be there to support you if you do miscarry again. Until you are totally for sure that you are at least past the first trimester. Good Luck!

  23. Tell the father, but wait for the 2nd trimester to tell others. Sorry you're having problems. Good luck.  

  24. wait till 2nd trimester

  25. I wouldnt tell anybody until at least the 3rd month.

    Good luck and God bless.

  26. I just miscarried at 6 weeks and it seems everybody knows I am (was) pregnant.  I still have to face all those questions and give an explanation.  Next time I'm keeping it as quiet as possible for the first few months.  I work in a doctor's office though so it's hard.  Everyone there knows your business even if you don't tell them.

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