
If you had a mean mother like I do, how would you deal with her saying she wished you were dead for real?

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It's true, my mother wants me dead! She said it so many times tonight when I called to ask if she was okay after the florida hurricane hit her area. We've not been on good terms for many years and through the years I have said bad things, but only when she got up my anger level to a point where I would say something mean and she would run to my rich sister and tell her, then they both would put the "hate" on me, which they are doing now. They say I am an internet stalker and post things about them, but if you listen to this, you will see why: It all gets twisted around and around and I am made to be the bad one, so I posted this blog on my mother's mean phone message! Not easy to listen to, but I need solid answers and I want everyone to know what is happening.




  1. I guess my myself would become very withdrawn and very mousey. You don't have to become that though.. I think you should have comebacks saying in a calm voice, don't yell or cuss, look strait at her and say, or on the phone "I am not going to go away and I am not going to die."

  2. omg, my mom says the same thing to me and my bros, she wishes for us to die, not only that but she wonders why god didn't kill all of us at birth. since he didn't  she wishes that we would die now, last time she said should would stab us one by one with this knife she had in her hand. That's really messed up because you never expect your mother to say stuff like that. And something else that bothers me is how she wishes bad luck on others just because they want kids. when she said this, she was like "this woman at my job has three kids, and now she wants to go to see her doctor for another one, i hope the doctor give her something and kill her because she so stupid, all ready have three b******s and she trying to get another one."  at lest you don't have to live with your mother, my brother and i are all under 18 and have to live with her and only her. and yes it hurts, but not as much as before, because the first time she said that, was the last time i had any feelings to try to work things out. i try but but my inside voice keeps telling me no don't do that, because she gonna say something else that hurts, and i'm just gonna get mad at myself and resent her more, because i was dumb enough to try to make things better. now every time she says it, it's like my heart drop and something insides me says,"ouch" then i really don't give a d**n anymore. the way i deal with this is to write, and talk to my best friend about it.

  3.   I have said this about my mother many times, only because she has expressed all throughout my  43 years that she wished none of us girls had been born.  So, it's not just your mother........... anyway........ My mother would have eaten  us as young if we'd been cats.

    Just don't call and when they call you, let them leave the messages, then erase them....... why put yourself through more drama......... let them go........ Less stress for you

  4. You cant choose your family, but you can choose if you want to contact them or not. Dont talk to them. Anyway, why would you post family issues?  

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