
If you had a mental ilness would you tell your friends you have it or it's just best not to tell them?

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If you had a mental ilness would you tell your friends you have it or it's just best not to tell them?




  1. If it isn't so bad that they notice, then it probably isn't worth talking about.  Drs. like to hand out diagnoses, especially psychiatrists.  They can have anyone leave their office believing they have a big bad problem.  But if your issues aren't so big they are obvious, then no, I wouldn't talk abou them to friends.  Also, I wouldn't necessarily assume you have any such mental condition merely because someone has given you a label.  7 times out of 10, there is actually nothing wrong with you.

  2. I tell them. Honesty is always best..and its good to prepare them, if you have one that's going to interfere with everyday things.

  3. Well, it depends.

    I'm bipolar, and I have told my good friends and close family. But the guy I met at the bar last week doesn't need to know, you know?

    There's no need to hide it. It's good to have people to talk to, and who understand you.

  4. i would tell the friends that i trust that would not judge me.

  5. I've told my friends and family, because they are the ones who have to put up with my nuttiness.

  6. Tell the ones I trust.

  7. i guess it depends on how bad it is and how close you are, be sure you can trust the person you tell though, they can make a big deal about it and rumors can spread. and if you do tell them, act like its no big deal and just shrug it off =]

  8. depends which friends

    mostly i would

  9. I have bipolar n.o.s.   My moods are like a very mild rapid cycling bipolar person.  SO.....most people that are around me are going to know something is not quite right about me with out any saying.  Whether or not I get specific about what it is really depends on the relationship I have with that person.   I definantly don't go around telling people hi I'm bipolar. I wouldn't have any friends I do tell my close friends in case or emergency situations and I also tell them what should be done about it too.  For the most part the chemical imbalences in my brain are on a need to know basis.  I don't annouce it to the public.

    Depending on how well your mental illness is controled and what your relationship is with that person is where one should start when deciding on whether or not to tell others.

    If you don't have it controlled very well it may be a good idea to tell others in case of emergency.   A lot of  people wouldn't take someone saying I'm going to kill myself very seriously...they  might even blow it off and never think of it again.  They might need to know so you can stay safe because someone with a serious mental illness may be dead serious.

  10. What makes you think they wouldn't know?

    If untreated, most mental conditions are quite apparent.

    If controlled,I wouldn't say anything at work.

  11. The reason why mental illness is such taboo in our culture is because of the shame we unfortunately attach to it... and because our society is still ill-informed on the subject.  I find this frustrating and juvenile.  Why is that someone who is diagnosed with, let's say diabetes, can easily inform people of their medical condition and not receive anything but empathy and concern from others, but those diagnosed with a mental illness must hide it like it is something to be ashamed about... when in fact it is just as much an unwarranted biological defficiency as any other medical condition.  Until people stop being ashamed of their mental illness, it will continue to be a taboo subject.  And it is because of this that I think that you should not be reluctant to inform others of your condition, just like a diabetic would explain to others around them why they are injecting themselves with an insulin shot.  If your friends do not know about your condition, how will they understand or explain to themselves the symptoms of your mental illness.  Without knowing about it, they will form their own opinions as to the reasons of your symptoms and these opinions will not be based on the facts, you know.  How will they be able to help you with it, if they don't have any idea of what is going on with you?  Give them the opportunity to be aware... and not just of your condition, but of the simple reality of mental illness as a whole.

  12. Depends on how long you have known these friends and if they are truly loyal ones.  If they aren't, then don't tell them, it could be blackmail later on.  If they are, you might could trust them and tell them, hopefully they'll be respectful and supportive of your situation.  

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