
If you had a perfect baby and a autistic child would you.?

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have given your perfect child the mmr. bearing in mind how bad autism can be. I never gave my daughter MMR because we found out when I was pregnant that my son was autistic, do you think we did the right thing she is 8 now.




  1. There is no evidence that says the MMR causes autism.  Children need these jabs because the diseases are life threatening.

  2. If it runs in the family I wouldn't take a chance either.

    Both of your children are "perfect" though. Both are a blessing.

  3. The MMR does NOT cause autism. This is a rumor.  I have given, and would give, all vaccines to my children.

  4. I would positively have done the same as you. But as your daughter is 8 now perhaps it is time to ask your G.P. if she could have the vaccine now. I could be wrong but I have only ever read about younger children being affected after having the vaccine at an early age. Do some searching on the net and arm yourself with info, then if you are convinced that it will be okay for your daughter to be given the vaccine then get her protected. Good luck.

  5. You did the right thing for your children.  What anyone else thinks doesnt matter.

    I am not entirely convinced that the MMR causes autism.  My reason for saying this is that I have four friends all of whom have children with autism.  3 of them DIDNT have the MMR, they had the single jabs and they still ended having autism.  

    It is a very personal choice.  Both my children had the MMR and they were fine.  (My son has severe learning disabilties, cerebral palsy and epilepsy).

    But my friends who have the children with autism, did'nt agree with me letting my son have the MMR.  

    At the end of the day your decision was right for your children.  And they are both perfect and you love them right?

  6. first of all MMR is very controversial. It has definitely been the center of attention where autism is concerned. Anyway, there have been a lot of attempts to cover up the affects of MMR in causing autism. The AMA should stand for the American Mafia Association. From silicone implants that although they were banned are absolutely harmless to blood transfusions that kill but are soooooo safe. The countless drug recalls that were approved and sent out to human guinea pigs are a tale tell sign of what to do here. I personally would not use MMR. Why? Children have been contracting measles and chicken pox etc for thousands of years so what's the big deal? If you listen to the authorities on everything you'de eat soy for every meal and never leave your house. You'de have an air purifier system that kept your house like a germ free bubble. You'de never have s*x and you'de drink  bottles of water a day. You might as well be a mushroom. Skip the MMR. When I was a kid we all had measles and chick pox, h**l I even got the mumps. Okay so i have 4 ears a hand growing out of my back now, but who cares?? Don't do MMR

  7. we have 11 children

      1 OK  stay at home mum

    2 adhd  sercurity guard

    3 OK collage

    4 OK  collage

    5 a.s d about to go collage

    6 ok school

    7  ok  school

    8 OK school

    9OK  school

    10 down syndrome nursery

    11 cerebral palsy born prem

  8. I would have gone with the MMR.

    Having had Mumps and Rubella, while not being terribly serious diseases in themselves, I am now profoundly deaf in my right ear thanks to the mumps.

    They have finally proved that what ONE doctor was sprouting was all hogswash, so what are you waiting for?

    Mummy to Ben (6), Ruth (2) and Esther (1)

  9. I definitely would have given my child the MMR, as most of the accredited medical reports have said that there is no link between giving a child the MMR and autism.  All the doctors I know (& I know a lot) have given their children the MMR, as despite the one doctor who speculated on an unsubstantiated,  tenuous link between autism and MMR and who went public (his clinical report wasn't even backed up with enough clinical research to get published through the standard medical channels of research ) , most doctors know that mumps, measles and rubella can kill.  Unfortunately, due to the adverse publicity that one doctor got - a lot of children have not been given the MMR and some of these diseases, which were almost erradicated in this country, are now making a comeback and are killing children in some cases.

    I think that there is one exception when they recommend that the triple MMR is not given and that is when there is some specific food allergy evident in the family. Your GP & specialist health advisors should be able to give you more advice on this.  

    I can certainly understand why you didn't give your daughter the MMR, because a lot of the controversy over this issue was covered about the time she would have been born, and in the same situation, I may well have hesitated, particularly if my son had autism too.  Just goes to show how persuasive the media can be - the medical profession generally said yes, but the media built up the story on this one medical researcher to such a degree that many took that line instead of that of the overwhelming majority of medics.   You took the best decision you could as a mother though, given the information that was being made available to you at the time your daughter was born.  

    I'd be tempted to get her the MMR now if it is still possible and if your family history doesn't fall into the exception categories, but at the end of the day, it is your decision and your daughter's risk.

  10. i dont know i took my son to get him to have his jab  and found out after that my son had already had th jab mmr so infact he had two jabs of the same  mmr  i was fumming at the docter as  she called us back as we were leaving the surgery and i didnt know as wife was abroad and had taken him two weeks before to have it but didnt take off their computer  i was so frightend for safety of my son and swore at doctor and wanted to hit her  but she apologised and i think she was frightened as i told her i was gonna report her if anything happened to my son and lots of other things she asked me and my son to stay for 2 hours in surgery  and seid  we could go home and if we needed she would be on call for us gave me her phone number and luckly nothing happened to him i did not report the doctor as all i was concerned with was  my childs health and it wasnt the docters fault as there are 6 docters in the surgery and it wasnt the same docter who gave it to my son  but any how get back to point it didnt do any harm even though he had 2 jabs for mmr  maybe yes mabe no ,to be quite honest i dont know

  11. Perfect ?

    So your saying that your son who has autism isn't perfect ..i am confused by your question to be honest twins both had their mmr vaccine but Thomas pictured left does have severe autism and is also non verbal ... i wouldn't refer to his sister as perfect They BOTH are to us  ..the mmr jab is a trigger in my eyes for something that was already there, Yes i would 'if' i had anymore children they would have the mmr jab you cannot stop what is to be but you can prevent a disease like measles which to me can be a lot worse than autism

  12. You did the best you knew to do at the time. Do not second guess yourself now as there is nothing that can be changed now.

    If new information comes up that you did not know before, don't  judge yourself by the new information. You could only work with what information you had at the time. Enjoy your children and don't borrow trouble. All will be well.

  13. The link between autism and the vaccine is just not proven (go to PubMed and read the RAs).

    I won't get into the semantic arguments over your poor choice of wording but I do think it was wrong of you not to vaccinate your child.

    My daughter is fine and my son is autistic; both had the MMR.  

    Get your child vaccinated, for her sake and the sake of other children around her.

  14. i would not,my autistic son is 16 and whislt i love him as you do yours ,it is difficult to parent such children.

    We noticed a difference after 12 month vaccination,he stopped babbling and no more eye contact.

    I feel the immunisations could be done later in childhood as there are many vaccinations that infnts are hit with in the first yr of life.Too many,that's what needs further research.My son has language and fairly high functioning.Best of luck♥

  15. I just think your story about your son is so sweet and touching. I feel so good about everything everytime I see an autistic child smile. It's so wonderful!

  16. Well my son is severley autistic, but he is also perfect, you cannot differentiate between a perfect baby and an autistic child.

    He did have the MMR yes, I would always say let your child have the MMR because I would rather have a child with autism than lose a child to measles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think you did the best for your child at the time its easy for other people to judge when they are not in the same situation,  worried about letting my son have the booster MMR for him to start school so i know how you feel

  17. i have four children i gave all of them the MMR injection my 2nd child has autism and adhd but the rest of them seem fine i think its up to each individual parent to make the choices if there had been strong evidence that MMR causes autism then i wouldn't have gave it to my youngest 2 sons

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