
If you had a power to turn into one animal, anytime, any animal, which one would it be?

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If you had a power to turn into one animal, anytime, any animal, which one would it be?




  1. i would want to be a parrot or a cockatoo because i would be able to fly and i would be able to talk! They also have very long lifespans.

  2. A bee.. So I could fly over there and tease you :D

  3. Fun question. A falcon would be very cool. Or a frog.

  4. A white head eagle or an albatross

    To fly away to places I like, people I love, far from c**p days, bad places, etc


  5. A nice doggie .

  6. I'd definitely be an Orca (killer whale), I'd get to live my life as the top predator in the ocean just traveling the great blue with a bunch of other orcas, eating about anything that comes in my way. Oh and I get a long life span so I won't die like right off the bat.

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