
If you had a "Pet" turkey or other edible critter, and that critter died, would you eat it?

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Okay, so say you live in the country and have animals, but you have one turkey, chicken, goat, sheep, pig, cow...any of those "good to eat" named it, and it was treated by the family as a pet.

If that animal died by accident, would you eat the animal if you knew for a fact the meat was still good?




  1. No.  If I killed it, then okay, but not if it just died.

  2. no, hes family

  3. not if it died it would need to be killed and bleed then it would be okay

  4. Yes. Nothing wrong with eating an animal that's meant to be eaten. Waste of good meat otherwise.

  5. No... I like eating chicken, beef, pork, and turkey, but to eat an animal that has been a family pet would make me sick.

  6. Nope, if it was my pet, I couldn't.

  7. Uh ... No!!!

  8. No.  When a pet dies, you don't look at them as edible.  You look at them as a loss of a friend.

  9. Goodness no! If it was my pet, I couldn't live with myself eating it. It's like, I'm eating Fluffy or whatever. No way!

  10. if it was my pet then no

  11. no

  12. Probably not

  13. no i wouldnt eat would feel wrong

  14.   It would depend on how the animal died.    

  15. lol no

    thats mean

    thats like asking a chinese person would they eat their dead dog


  16. Would depend on how well I bonded with it and weather or not the times were bad and food was scarce.

  17. It is unlikely that the meat would still be good on a family pet that "accidentally" died.  Unless that accident was caused by a guillotine, the meat would be tainted by whatever killed it.  Most likely it would be too old to be any good.

  18. Never...............

  19. awwww no way!!!!!

  20. I would eat any animal. Even a cat.

  21. I sure would. I wouldn't tell my kids where the meat came from,though.  

  22. NO! It would be like eating ur family member, thats gross. lol

  23. unless i didn't have a penny to buy somthing eles. yes

    eles it's a pet and a pet is apart of the family

  24. Nope because I am vegetarian. It wouldn't even occur to me to eat it. Even if I wasn't vegetarian, I wouldn't be able to eat it because I would have an emotional attachment to it. I have a hard enough time just burying my pets who have passed away, I could not imagine trying to eat it. I am sure I would lose my appetite.

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