
If you had a racehorse what would you call it and why?

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If you had a racehorse what would you call it and why?




  1. There He/She Goes.....

  2. Rough Diamond. I liked the programme and I love the name!!

  3. i have a few  (family company) and usually you name it but their parents name. But if i get to my my it would be...  Dude it a lopez. thats my last name  and no matter if they claim it you still have your name in it!


    Everyone will back it!!!

  5. sa!


  6. One legged Pete - he would always get great odds cos people would be decieved!

  7. wear the fox hat [it would be a nightmare for racehorse comentators

  8. Triple Velvet She He

    simply because I know no one would chose this name!

  9. sir viv

    after the great west indian cricketer

    might also call it why the long face

  10. Sevvy22


  11. Speedy Gonzales - Why? Enough said.....

  12. world peace .for obvious reasons

  13. i would name it Hoof Harted get it who farted say it fast ah nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I would ask Matthew Knowles if I could named a filly after his daughter Beyonce'.  

    Enough said.

  15. "stewards enquiry"  just to confuse thing's!

  16. Thunderbolt, Zip Zap, Bullet, Jimeny Crickett, National Velvet, Blazing Fury, Star Apprentice, White Light, Blue Fire, i dunno

  17. Numberone

    Could also be Numbertwo, Numberthree etc...

    So when the announcer says "Numberone is last", but is wearing number three (started from gate 3, program number 3) it will be confusing for everyone...

  18. Caballo.

    It means "horse" in Spanish.

    Plus; it sounds awesome.

    Don't steal that name yall! Please!

  19. Horace - ie Horace the Horse.

    I just like the sound of it.

  20. No I have not.

  21. Hiya, Soldier of Fortune.

    An interesting question.

    If I was fortunate enough to own a racehorse I would decide on it's name depending on it's breeding.

    For example:- Sire. Observatory - Dam. Oatey.

    I would call the horse Goonhilly Flapjack.

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