
If you had a sexist male teacher, what topic was he teaching? what did he do? what did you do about it?

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A few people said they'd run into a sexist woman teaching a women's studies course so I was wondering how many people run into sexist men who teach any topic...personally I was sexually harassed by one of my psychology college instructors who threatened my grade if I didn't sleep with him. I told him I'd discuss the matter with his boss if my grade wasn't exactly what it should be. On the other hand my women's studies teacher was very professional and respectful to both male and female students. What's your experience been with sexist teachers?




  1. OMG!! I had an English teacher randomly show the movie "The war of the roses" one day in class, and then proceed to give a 10 minute rant on how greedy and ungrateful the average American woman was. A few weeks later he gave a 40 minute rant on women in sports and how stupid it was because women could never be as good as a man. Well to that I asked him how much he could bench press? He hem hawed around the question for a while then ponied up to 175lbs. (I guess what he didn't know was I just set two state records earlier that week for shot-put and discus) So I very tactfully pointed out that I can bench 250lbs and there for stronger and physically better than him!!!! Yep that felt pretty good!! Suck it Mr. Leary!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. When I was in high school I was kneeling down to fix my hair in a low mirror. My male spanish teacher walked up to me and said "just how I like my women, on their knees." I told a teachers' aide but that was as far as it went, I was too horrified, he was disgusting. He always called me his favorite student and gave me foreign language awards and things all the time. It was gross.

  3. PE teacher- 8th grade.  Co-ed class.  We were learning how to play football, and the male teacher insisted that the girls only use Nerf footballs while the boys used the real ones.  He was afraid we might "hurt" ourselves.  (Funny- I could have spiraled one straight into his nose if he let me get my hands on one.)

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