
If you had a spirit watching over you or protecting you, who could this spirit be?

by  |  earlier

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Usually he comes to me in the form of my mother but i know its not her, it happens when im asleep. When i first saw him he approached me as my mother and then he revealed himself. I was set in trance. He looks like a 24 yr old man and i dont know him and there are times were he looks old around 40.

but for some reason he takes over the form of my mother. Why is he taking the form of my mother ?




  1. becaus you wont be scared and will be more accepting of him. have you talked to him? try asking him why one time.

    answer mine plz:;...

  2. He's your Spirit Guide.

    There is an afterlife and while we exist on the other side we make friends with other souls.

    You were than reincarnated (or carnated) to relive life at your own free will. Upon being born and starting all over again, you choose a spirit guide to watch over you as you go through this painstaking journey called life. He is closest friend in the afterlife and always will be.

    So don't hesitate to talk to him. Give him a name and confide in him. You won't always be able to understand him, but have at it.

  3. Well, perhaps he wants to make you feel calmer ^_^

    I imagine if  do have a spirit watching over, I hope it'd be my grandfather.

  4. if you remember how he looks like why not describe him to you're mother ?? he might know you're mother ..

    i see my grandfather at night :)

  5. you can contact yiur spirit guide, every1 has one, just look up how to find ur spirit guide on yutube. It might be ur spirit guide thats doing that stuff

  6. an angel

  7. could be from a past life ask him dont be scared ask when ever u think he is around

  8. Among many others, it could likely be your guardian angel or a faerie of some sort.  However, there are other spirit guides as well that it could be.

  9. Hello Morgan

    We all have many guides in spirit helping us & we ourselves are spirit.

    Guides will often take the form of someone or a religious figure that we trust, so that we do not reject them out of fear or general dismissal. Once we have accepted them they often appear in their own form.

    You may be seeing more than one guide also.


  10. It is taking a form of love and comfort to you.I however am not completely convinced that this spirit is a benevolent one. Beware it may be a trickster disguised as a guiding spirit. I suggest that you do some meditation and prayers to find the true nature of this entity.Peace&Love be with you...~M~

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