
If you had a three story house and were in the second isn't it possible that you can be upstairs

by  |  earlier

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and downstairs at the same time?




  1. Technically, i suppose you are correct. the same situation may occur if you were in a basement but, downstairs for me always means the ground floor.

  2. yeah...depending on what way you look at it. You always have the best questions...

  3. what?

  4. Good question. My house in Canada has 3 floors and when we're on the middle floor, we do talk about things being "upstairs" or "downstairs". But if we're on the top floor, two floors down is referred to as "the basement", rather than downstairs.

    Skycat, you always make me think about things that I just never would.

    P.S. Does your wonderful mind ever take a vacation?


  5.   well i be upstair from the grown floor but down stair from the top floor

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