
If you had amnesia??

by  |  earlier

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if you had amnesia would you want the memories that you once had back again (regardless of being good or bad). [i know it doesn't make sense but just imagine]




  1. You mean would you rather start from scratch as an adult?  I don't think so.  Your memories define who you are as a person.  Imagine having no memory of your first kiss, your mother, pets, etc.

  2. I would want every minute of it back regardless of good or bad.

  3. Well, you wouldn't remember them so how would you know if you wanted them back or not?

    I suppose you would want to remember things but it might not make as much difference to you as it would to your loved ones - they would realise it more if you forgot them.

  4. some people have partial amnesia just because of the bad past memories ... eg blank pages of their childhood ... then getting these memories back might bring a relief and understanding or it might lead to h**l of never ending pain ... you never know

    total amnesia ... I would skip the bad memories and all good ones that are connected to them - and I could start who knows whose life over
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