
If you had an alternative fuel that would run your car as far as you want to go?

by  |  earlier

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with the same perfomance as gas unlimited miles for a set price of $50 a month would you convert your automobile over or keep using gasoline




  1. I would convert over, we pay like $100 for gas a month, we could save $50 a month!

  2. I would convert my car...

    But I would never drive more than I need to. The use of biofuels conflicts with the production of food and area for the protection of biodiversity.

    It´s just the same as I can afford as much food as I want, but really, do I eat more because of that ? would it be good for me to eat more ? NO

  3. What Dana1981 said.

  4. If such a fuel existed, then I'm sure I would consider it.  I would need to figure out the total cost, however before I made the switch.

  5. I'd convert in a heart beat.  I generally buy a tank of gas each week, thats ~$30.00 each week = ~$120.00 a month just on gas.

    Alas this is not realistic, most alternative fuels are more expensive than gas, and we have no decent infrastructure to deliver alternatives.  My guess would be we either need solar power cars with batteries for cloudy days, or "gasp" nuclear powered cars.

    Somehow I think when we run out of oil I'll be polishing off my bicycle.

  6. Devices to power our homes and cars at greatly reduced  cost will be available very soon, with the Big Changes coming.

  7. We do water  was used         under gound gov. had for 30 yrs. secret base your not to know about.

  8. Well yes

    And if I had wings I could fly.

  9. That depends what the alternative fuel was.  I wouldn't switch to a more environmentally damaging fuel just to save money, though with my Prius we only pay about $50/month in gas anyway.

  10. i'd really try if i could, to do without a car completely. i keep telling myself the next time my car is ill that will be it...we'll either walk or go out on bikes. trouble is when you've got little ones the car does come in handy.

  11. I drive a Prius so I am spending less than $50. per month now.  Research is underway to develop a plug in Prius, the charged battery will run for 300 miles then the gas engine kicks in to recharge the battery.  Put solar panels on your roof and you will be driving for free, I can't wait.

  12. Hi dad, I worked for an alternative fuels conversion company that you could use alt fuels and gas.  There was a switch on your dash that you could switch back and forth to alt fuel, then gas.  The reason is that most gas stations at the time didn't have propane offered so you can use both.  You don't need to just use one or the other.  I hope this helped solve your question....and yes, propane, etc is less expensive and burns clean.  That is what most cars are being manufactured for...clean air....NOT to save on gas.  This has been in effect for over 50 years.  Go propane!!

  13. I would convert! I spend more that $50 per month to run my car now, so I would welcome the savings.

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