
If you had an extra ticket for a cruise would you charge the person taking the ticket the name change fee?

by  |  earlier

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My ex was to go and since we are no longer together I have to keep the double occupancy as booked. It will be my seventh cruise so I am not afraid to travel alone




  1. yes i would if they want to go make them pay

  2. No you should not charge them for the fee, if you are trying to recoup some of the now lost moneys be happy if they pay for the cruise price for they can always a regular priced ticket and go with someone else.

  3. yes of course

  4. No, If they're going as a favor to you it wouldn't hurt to eat the fee. I would ask them to just pay for the cruise and cover the fee myself. Also talk to the cruise line to see if they will waive the fee. I just had an issue similar to this and was told by the cruise line that since it was cruise only, no air incl. I wouldn't be charged a change fee as long as I changed it 72 hours prior to departure.

  5. Well, if you are willing to pay for the ticket (and you already have) it may not be bad to ask for the couple of bucks to change the name on the ticket.  This is unless you just want someone to go with and want to cover the fee because they cant afford it.  Why let the ticket go to waste?  Traveling alone is fine, but sometimes being on a cruise ship alone can stink if there is no one your age to party with.  Good luck and have fun on your trip.

  6. Personally I would ask for the name change fee and half the ticket..since you are't afraid to cruise alone. If it were a close freind and you didn't want to be alone...then just the name change fee. Sorry..but the isn't a simple yes or no depends on the person and your feelings.

  7. I would most definitely charge the person the fees. Just explain to them this is the price and this amount is for the name change. I'm sure they will understand since they will know the situation. You did not say when you are going but there is a certain amount of time to get it changed usually before documents are done which is 4 weeks before sail date.

  8. Yes definitely

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