
If you had an unlimited amount of money, what would you buy?

by  |  earlier

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I would:

*Adopt a baby.

*Do invitro to have one or two more babies.

*Build a large house (not too big, I wouldn't want to get lost in it!) on 2 or 3 acres.

*Payoff all my debt.

*Get my siblings and in-laws out of debt (but tell them that is it! If they get back in debt, tough! LOL!).

*Buy my dad a few cool cars.

*Buy a home in Spain. (I have some friends there that I would love to visit often!)

*Travel the world.

*Give to scientists to find cures.

*Come up with scholarships.

*Pay for random people to adopt or do invitro.

*Hire a maid, a cook, and grounds keeper.

I could go on and on! You people need to have bigger dreams! LOL!




  1. Cruise, airline and train tickets so I could travel anywhere at anytime.  I'd also pay off my mortgage and that of my daughter's.

  2. South America,  Africa,  I'd buy off evil men and create positive situations.  Lots of really good booze,  a helicopter,  a jet,  a huge boat,  a small boat,  a recording studio,  Hendrix's guitar,  Heifetz's violin,  a session with my favorite bands,  a party with my favorite bands,  flight lessons,  a badass zoo,  schlitterbahn water park and move it to a jungle,  all tv stations,  happiness, a motorcycle, a snowboard,  a snowboard park, freedom, health insurance, a boxing match with george bush in which he has his hands tied behind his back and I have brass knuckles with nails sticking out of them, not really, but come ooooooooooooooon, a trip to the moon, a trip to the sun,  a trip to atlantis, a trip off of acid, a trip to remember,  love

  3. clothes and food

  4. a huge mansion near the beach in Hawaii and a yacht

  5. Food for the starving

    Unlimited Marijuana

    Hits on politicians  

  6. go get my girlfriend and bring her to live with me I love her so much

  7. clothes and ... more clothes. and shoes. and a new computer. and a new cell phone. and more shoes.

    but who really needs all that anyway?

  8. Pay bills that need to be paid if any.

    Pay the car off and get everything repaired on, a couple of tires.

    Get some things for my laptop.

    And a house for my family, I'm tired of living in an apartment, need more space!

    Hm, other stuff, I'm not sure...they'll come to mind later lol.

  9. Unlimited money...I would be sure that every child in this country would have a decent lunch program in their school.

  10. unlimited phone service with cricket... yeah right.

    I would open a thrift store... really. So people can buy cheap stuff. I love cheap stuff that isn't cheap!

  11. Oh come on people! Get creative! How about this?: Spend a fortune on scientists! Best idea ever! Get them to come up with ways to colonize other planets. You will need the extra room after they come up with a cure for all the major diseases and illnesses society has to offer. After that's out of the way, the lifespan of human beings will greatly increase hense the need for more room (ie. another planet/moon). After we finish with that,we have to find some way to occupy spare time (because people are living longer). Therefore, more movies, actors, actresses, and an overall expansion of the entertainment and gaming industry. Let's not forget the animals! They need our help too! Hire people to come up with ways to genetically enhance them overall so that they will never become extinct. With a whole other planet to occupy, we can use that planet to occupy, we can plant trees there for use (to build houses for underdeveloped nations and develop them). We can hire scientists to find ways to excavate asteroids and extract the materials (metals and silicates) we need for the newly expanded populations. The list is endless! One discovery leads to another! Alien contact, the ability to evade natural disasters, no more George Bush... The road to a better society!

  12. Nice brand new home filled with everything I want, plus a few nice cars, and a nice boat plus airplane and $50,000,000 in CD's in case this money train dried up


    and give unlimited to poor/starving/hommeless people, and unlimited to charity.

  14. i would buy my house, right now my fiance and i are saving for a 3 bdrm house, and we've saved almost all of the money for the price of the house, but if i had "ALL" of the money right now, i would buy it cash.

  15. I would buy major shares in any scientific, medical, pharmaceutical and computer corporations.  

  16. clothes,


    amusement park ( 18 rollarcoasters to beat Cedar Point)

    and put the rest in my savings =]

  17. everything

  18. i would tell my boss that he's a f****** pervert and then buy everything i ever wanted to buy but couldn't afford.

  19. an unlimited amount of things.  

  20. My house would look like and IKEA catalog.

  21. As little as possible.  Everybody would know that I had unlimited money and it would tick them off to no end that I didn't spend much of it!  

  22. Clothes and food for my churches outreach ministry.

  23. new computer

    game system for my TV

    more clothes

    help with my family with the bills  

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