
If you had an unlimited amount of time* and money, what would you do tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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* unlimited time meaning that you could potentially live forever!




  1. Quit my job and start traveling!

  2. Live at home because we have lived a long life   Read the paper and do our favorite puzzles.  Eat exotic fruit

  3. Buy all of the Six Flags parks with roller coasters also buy the disney parks and all the nike and under amour stores!!

  4. Every Thursday and Sunday morning I ask myself this question.(Thats  before I see the results of the Lotto draw) This week £14,000,000. Well, I contribute to eight charities and they would get the majority. Some I'd give to my two daughters.The rest I'd give to my friends living with me in my Retirement Home. You can forget about living forever, no thanks!

  5. I would travel the world.

  6. Travel the world.

  7. knowing me, i would probably stare at it for an eternity in disbelief, or i would just buy my self a bed in some unknow part of the world and sleep in peace without anyone botherinf me!!

  8. sleep...

  9. others of my immediate and extended family...

    ...and if the money is still there help others within my inner circle...

    ...and extend outward...

    ...thanks for asking...

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