
If you had diarrhea and a cop stops you for speeding what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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That would be a bad situation!




  1. " Im sorry officer but I have dihereah and if I don't get to a bathroom fast it aint gonna be pretty

  2. Just s.h.i.t. yourself and he'll leave if it's bad enough, especailly if it goes up your back and splatters all over the seat.

  3. I would take a dump on the cop

  4. It's kinda happened! I was driving home from one of my classes at the University and I had to p**p really bad, I kept thinking man, I'm going to get pulled over. I would have just told him "I'M SORRY! I REALLY HAVE TO POO!" I might even c**p myself to get out of the ticket. haha

  5. p**p right there so h**l see your not on drugs

  6. haha good probably p**p in my pants. ahha.

  7. Haha well i guess youd have to say, im only speeding because I really got to p**p. If your going to give me a ticket could you do it as qucik as possible so i dont **** myself in my car?

    If i were him I would laugh and tell you to go! haha

  8. hmm just tell him the truth i mean i dont doubt if he saw someone speeding and dints go after him couse he had

  9. I would say I had to go to the bathroom and go behind a tree.

  10. lmao! that's actually happened to my aunt. funny stuff. they didnt let her go without a ticket though and it took like 15 minutes for him to write the ticket and everything so she was like dying by the time he got done  

  11. c**p on the cops shoes :)

  12. Get out of the car push the cop on the floor and poo on him

  13. Ask to borrow his hat!!

  14. oh wow i dont know id tell him can you let me go i got to go

  15. I would try to sit down as much as possible, or cover my  butt, just incase XP

  16. give him solid (or fluid) proof that me speeding was for an emergency!

  17. Take a nasty c**p all over and tell him I ate bad bacon. lol

  18. sorry officer i'm bursting for the toilet and was going fast because i'm looking for a   Sh-thouse he would reply "You've found one!

  19. If you had a Buggati Veyron and was gunning it a 220 MPH, you wouldnt have that problem.

  20. get a gun and kill the police (just kidding)

  21. no, really? I'll s h i t on myself. and then blame the cop.

  22. well i'd be crumpled in half whilst talking to him, so I guess i would suggest that he supervises me to the toilets...and stands well back!!

  23. p**p.


  24. Show him the s**t stain on my pants and beg for mercy...

    Would he let me go...I think so

  25. i'd tell him he better let me go or its not going to be a pretty sight for either of you!

  26. Lol, i've actually played this situation out in my mind So many times. I suffer from ibs so sometimes i gotta speed to make it home. I wouldn't stop for the cop but slow down to the speed limit and keep going if I know im near a bathroom. If im far away from a public restroom or my house then id pull over and tell him im about to **** on myself and have stomach problems. If he took his time id **** on myself, and it wouldnt be a pretty scene.  

  27. Haha lmfao!!!!!

  28. id tell him to just give me the ticket or im about to go over the speed limit again and make skid marks at the same time

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