
If you had just passed your driving test, what would you prefer?

by  |  earlier

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no car for a while (probs a dumb question) lol

share one of your parents cars that you could only use for like a few hours a day

or have your own 1999 citreon saxo that you can use whenever you want

reason i ask is because i just passed mny test 2 days ago and i got a saxo

yet people are making fun of me for having a **** car

when i personnaly feel im lucky to have a car this soon

as i know plenty of people who still have to share a car with there parents after months even a years after there test




  1. better some car than no car at all. you get to laugh at them when they are begging for a ride to whereever it is they want to go in your car. Just make sure they pay for more gas than they use.

    At your age i didn't have to work because i charged 5 dollars a head to ride with me when we went out. I always had 4 or 5 friends with me so 5 bucks for gas the rest for my pocket :) this was in the early 90's sooo

    worked well for me during my first couple years driving.

  2. Like many people, I had to buy, insure, tax, MOT & fuel my own car from 17 by working evenings & weekends.

    You are extremely lucky - what's wrong with a Saxo - do the other tossers prefer rubbish like Corsas or something else as bad?

  3. Your very lucky to have your own car and the freedom that goes with it. People take the mick out of Saxo's because of their "chav/boyracer" status, and it's probably a little bit of jealousy too!

    Who cares what they think, because I bet if you offered them your car for free they'd snatch the keys out of your hand.

  4. I'd definitely prefer to have my own car.  Anyone who is making fun is either spoilt or jealous.

    I had a little banger when I first started.  It did me great for a few years and I loved it.  

    There is no point in havaing a flash car when you first pass - you will have a little knock or scrape at some point.  

  5. Answer: ..."or have your own 1999 citreon saxo that you can use whenever you want"

  6. Well what cars do your friends have? are theirs any better? If they are then christ they are rich because it's not easy to pay for a car like that. I worked hard to get my car and dead proud of it, all my friends who make comments on it don't have a car nor can they drive one!

    In response to your question though, I thought about it lots before passing my test and I came to the conclusion having my own car and insuring it on my own would be the best decision, it proves to have been.

  7. Hello

    Are you be building up your no claims bonus on either or both of your parents insurance as you must be on them already if you drive there cars.

    If so you may opt to carry on using there cars and make yours cheaper when you start?

    Have you looked into how much your insurance will cost you at the moment

    You do not say how old you are, most insurance companies will drop when you are 25.

    If people take the mick out of your car, don't give them a lift.

    Ask them what car do they have?

    Some will say none, tell them sorry car owners only allowed  to join the conversation.

    Some will say a name of a decent car, just say, nice, but what was your first car? who paid for it?

    If you can afford it you would be happier with your own car, I know I was. Just remember don't drink and drive! don't become a taxi to your friends who don't own cars, they ask for lifts and don't pay for the petrol. This is OK if your were going anyway.


  8. Be proud of it, take care of it and most of all ENJOY. Best of luck.

  9. My parents wouldn't insure me on their car, so I'd say those people are lucky too. But I'd much prefer having my own car everytime, it's your first car as long as it's reliable - I wouldn't have wanted a newer/nicer first car for fear of bumping it. . . and J G I love my Corsa!

  10. get the saxo cars's get you from a - b **** your mates taking the p**s

    they wnt be taking the p**s when they want you to give them lifts  

  11. I passed last month.  I drive a 16 year old Nissan Micra with a dodgy exhaust.  I couldnt give a hoot what people think about it.  It gets me from A-B no problems and having my own motor to drive around is amazing!

    I wouldnt worry if was you.  A Saxo is a nice first car,.

    At the end of the day, you have only just passed and wont stop learning to drive just because you have passed.  Id have a banger for a couple of years, get your no claims, then buy a better one.

    No point in scratching, pranging or bumping your brand new car while your trying to find a space in Macdonalds car park!  Thats something they dont teach you on your lessons!!

    Good luck.

  12. I'd drive the saxo if its reliable. then in a few yrs you can upgrade to something else, cuz right now since ur a new driver ur insurance will be high, unless everything is going to be in ur parents' name.

    the ppl making fun, what r they driving?!? if its something flashy it's probably a lease ppl get made fun of at some pt in their lives. just ignore them or think of witty come backs.Good Luck!

  13. there just jealous coz you have your own car so soon who cares what it is you dont have to share so its you thats laughing. i had a saxo as my first car they are ideal when you first pass your test

  14. I think the reason for the fun making is really jealousy.  You enjoy your Saxo and drive carefully.

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