
If you had less money, would you spend it on buying less with better quality?

by Guest45234  |  earlier

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If you had less money, would you spend it on buying less with better quality?




  1. One thing of interest is that most things classified as "quality" are infact cheaply made, just wisely marketed. The reason most of the large brands refuse to do any public stress tests is because when any independent tests are done, the products are found to be the same quality and durability of the cheapest products.

    This whole problem makes the prices not justified, except consumer ignorance and vainity towards the product and that vainity is also what protects it, nobody wants to admit they paid a ton of cash for something which is by all means cheap.

    Either way im not influenced by marketing nor brand,  long as it does what i require or meets my needs, if its expensive so be it, if its cheap as chips so bet it, it really doesnt matter to me.

  2. Absolutely. Sometimes i cannot believe the money i have wasted over the years on buying things that i know wont last or that i have never used.

  3. I have less money, but I spend it on getting more with worse quality... At least, when we are talking about food. For other things, I usually just do without.

  4. Sometimes, it just depends what the item is.

    Toilet paper, I always buy the cheapest as it is flushed away!

  5. Thats what I do now.   If I had even less money, I guess I'd buy even less.    I bought a cheap bike once and rode it 200+ miles the first day.   It (and I) was falling apart when I got back home, so brought it back to the store the next day.   Bought an expensive, quality bike and have ridden it tens of thousands of miles since then with no major problems.

  6. I think the less money you have the more you tend to buy things that won't last, because the option that is longer lasting is more expensive.  I remember buying really cheap furniture when I first got married and then it all fell apart after a few years.  Now we have a bit more money we can buy more expensive, longer lasting things.

  7. Simple. If you are going to survive the recession, you will have to change your mentality to 'less is more.'

    Less eating, spending, driving, partying, smoking.

    Less of those things means more of other quality things.

    More money, time with family, relaxing, reading, enjoying, exercising, playing the banjo, soccer, bird watching, playing with Fido, video games, gardening, volunteering... those things you always wish you had the time to do.

    It is no longer cool or acceptable to show off how much money you can to waste on gasoline, electricity and natural gas. It is not longer cool to pollute your planet or recklessly squander you planet's natural resources. It only makes you look like Didiots to the entire galaxy!

    And if you are asking about purchase items such as clothing, here is Zork's rule:

    Calculate cost per wear.

    $100 Jeans worn 200 times = 50 pennies per wear

    $100 Dress worn 2 times =  $50 per wear

  8. I do spend less on better quality.  I don't purchase anything that is disposable.

  9. Yes.  Its better to have quality rather than quantity...Quality lasts whereas cheap quantity doesnt.

  10. definitely, if you buy cheap stuff you just end up spending more in the long run, replacing it!

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