
If you had money would you get the mac computer?

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If you had money would you get the mac computer?




  1. no I wouldn't.

  2. Of my eleven, yes 11, computers ONLY my two  macs have never ever needed anything, tweaked, fixed, replaced, removed or disabled.

    My hubby's XP FRIED its motherboard when it was 18 months old.

    We got the new motherboard, installed it, and lost 40 hours convincing microschmuck it was still the same Dell computer it always was.

    Besides the cost and the waste of a week, I would definitely get another MAC. I like computers as reliable and fast as my cars. I don't fix them all the time either. ;)

  3. no. I do gaming so a Mac would be incredibly stupid for me. plus I hate using the interface and the minimal ability to disable the stuff I don't want

  4. i'm a help desk analyst, and i deal with PCs and Macs every day.

    the Mac is more reliable, easier to use, and has a better warranty than about 90% of PCs out there.

    of course, i'd go with a mac. as it is, i have a Dell, and problems with it, and it's new. i didn't buy a mac because of the money.  

  5. no

  6. I do have the money and I still don't want a Mac.

  7. I have a mac. Personally, I like macs more than windows computers. They're easy to use, they don't get as many viruses, and they come with lots of cool programs.

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