
If you had never been taught about s*x...?

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Imagine this:

You are part of a community in which NO ONE in your generation has been taught what sexual intercourse (and reproduction) are. You've never even heard of the word "s*x" or anything to do with it. What do you do? What happens? (During puberty, adulthood, old age...?)

I guess that instinct would mean that we would eventually discover it for ourselves - but what do you think??




  1. I would say "instinct" as well.

    Maybe s*x would be better that way, without all of the social stigma we have today. It would be about reproduction and pleasure.

  2. Well we would question where we came from.. And why males looked different to females. Someone would m********e, feel pleasure and tell someone else. People would put two and two together and experiment. Word would get around and vouila!

    And we'd wonder what the h**l we were doing in this closed-off sect and if there was more to life..

  3. Mating is an animal instinct, and humans are animals, who develop common sense and logic (particular to environment) and acquire intelligence.

    So, we discover and learn through our instincts, observations, experiences, etc... and share or pass it down.

    Think of how it could have been for humans in early Stone Age, and as time progressed.

  4. Nature does what nurturing could do better.

  5. Adam and Eve figured it out.  We would also. Instinct is very powerful.

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