
If you had new born (1 boy and one girl)twins what would u call them?

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no im not pregant or anything like that i just wanna know what u guys would call them?

If i had (1 boy and 1 girl)twins i would call them:






  1. Alexander-Boy


  2. Alaina Graciie Elle

    Brooks Jared

  3. Girl: Audrey Marie

    Boy: Connor Evan  

  4. I have boy/girl twins & there names are Isabella & Connor

  5. Well, I already have two boys named Kevin and Adam so I would name then Kati and Jason.  

  6. Brooklyn Jade   and Blake Anthony

  7. Girl: Dasha (Da-juh)

    Boy: Vu (voo)

    I'm kidding.

    Girl: Laika Brook

    Boy: Dylan Cameron

  8. Boy: Kyler Scott

    Girl: I have a long list...

    Ashlynn Marie

    Kaitlynn Alysse

    Laura Kay

    Madison Joy

    I have more but those are my top names the boy name is a definate i love the name Kyler Scott!

  9. my dad is a twin and his name is randy william and his twin is rodger wayne i guess if i had twins i wouldnt name them with similar names because its hard enough sharing your identity nevermind the name that people would tend to call you your twins' name. ive seen what it was like for my dad and i wouldnt try to put my kids through with it but that is just my opinion. PS Gabriella is a beautiful name!!

  10. Kate and Jake

  11. tristan and trisha

  12. girl- Lia

    boy- Joey

    ive alwaays loved these names :]

  13. I have a friend who is a twin her name is Tina and her twin brother's name is Troy

  14. Preston and Natalie

  15. Aurora and Jeremiah... Riley (girl) and Ashleigh (boy)... i don't like matching names for twins

  16. Don't you think Gabriella and Gabriel are a little too close.  They are practically the same name!  Any way, I would name them Ava/Aria and Anthony/Marco

  17. if it was up to just me and not my fiance i would chose

    Monique "moni"

    Oliver "ollie"


  18. I'm pregnant right now and before we knew we were having a singleton, we were joking around that we'd call a boy-girl twin set Bob and Dora -- as in Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.  (Not that we EVER would in a million years, but it was a laugh!).

    Honestly, if I had boy-girl twins, I'd never give them the same name like that - Gabrielle and Gabriel.  They need their own identity and people would be rolling their eyes behind your back.  Names that sound the same or rhyme too much aren't good for twins either.

  19. LOVE your names!!

    Boy: Braydon

    Girl: Brylee

    Boy: Zachary

    Girl: Zoey

    Boy: Lucas

    Girl: Grace

    Boy: Aiden

    Girl: Leah

  20. Prince and Princess

  21. girl- daffodils


  22. Sarah Grace and Ryan Nathan

    Leah Rose and Andrew Thomas

  23. If I had twins I would name then Christine and Charlotte or Micheal and Jason. Those are my current favorite names other then my kid's which are:

    Selena Anne (age 12)

    Andrew (age 8)

    Nicole (age 6)


    Paige (age 3)

  24. I think Gabriella and Gabriel are nice names but VERY tacky when it is used on twins.

    I would do

    Zachary and Rachel

  25. Girl*****Jillian


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