
If you had one wish that would come true?

by  |  earlier

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What would it be




  1. id wish to get thousands more wishes but that would demean the concept of just one wish so ill settle for one that grants me life long happiness and a young death! =]

  2. I would wish for an infinite amount of wishes.

  3. that i would win a million dollors and I would buy myself a condo

  4. i would wish that every one find there soul mate what about you?

  5. That my wife wasn't destroyed in a traffic accident.

  6. "Any wish" that my mom and my brother would still be alive!! I miss them!!

  7. I wish someone that I love (anyone, friends, family etc) would love me back in return.

    "The greatest thing in life is to be loved in return"

    What can you ask for more?


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