
If you had only 30 seconds left to live, what would you do? What would your last words be?

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If you had only 30 seconds left to live, what would you do? What would your last words be?




  1. Tell my band director to F off, tell my best friend I love her, and tell my grandmother to shove all her Christianity lectures where it don't shine!

    Last words: I serve the Goddess.

  2. Write a quick memo...

    Last words = Rosebud

  3. gimme the ******* guinness!  

  4. i would hug my mom dad and bro and tell them i love you......

  5. Jump from a plane without parachute and I think my last words would be: AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH...

  6. gurgle, gurgle gurgle.  or if my body and brain were still working.  I would tell my kids that we will be together again in the cosmic oneness...I would give them my final blessings and hold my wife and kids tightly.  

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