
If you had or have a golden retriever then what has been your experience? 1# breed? ?

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Is it or was it noisy?

Was it the best choice you ever made?

Was it hard to have your golden retriever?

Was it easy to train?

any tips or experiences that you can tell me that will help when before I get my little golden retriever puppy will help.

Thank you




  1.        My Golden (Mister Pedro Sanchez) is 2 1/2. He was my birthday present Feb 2006, and I can't imagine life without him. Puppy hood lasts a bit longer in goldens than most doggies-which I think is wonderful! They can be hyper, but THE most eager to please!! This dog will do what you want (as long as you learn how to communicate that to him/her, which is quite simple!) Goldens live for their owners. Always want to be near you, next to you-ideal to be touching you (but not obnoxiously needy!)

           Mine barks when someone is at my door or he sees them or another dog outside-but only to alert me that someone is there. I live in an apartment and as long as you are willing to walk 20-30 minutes daily (as you should with ANY dog) a golden will be a perfect apartment dog. They are very social, almost always with other dogs as well. Socializing your puppy is a MUST! Make sure to go to a Petsmart or somewhere that offers puppy training and get your puppy around new people and dogs as often as possible so he/she can make friends. The sooner you get into a basic training the better. Pedro only needed basic training-after YOU learn how to train, you can teach your dog almost anything at home in your spare time (smartest dogs ever!). Also very funny dogs! Always making me laugh.

            I have noticed that male goldens tend to be sweeter and more affectionate than the females and would definitely suggest a male. Also-make sure to get a crate!!! Golden puppy training is much easier when you have a crate. Because puppyhood lasts longer they get mischevious and tend to be chewers so here is another tip: Racquet balls saved my furniture and shoes!! They are like bubble gum to these dogs! Bitter apple spray works very well on electrical cords and other dangerous things they may try to chew.

           I really hope you end up getting a golden-you won't be disappointed! I'm going to go snuggle mine now. Good luck!


  2. not noisy, best dog i've ever had, not a hard dog at all (very good temper, etc.), very easy to train (smartest dog i've ever had). get a will not be disappointed.

  3. no they arnt really noisy

    it was an ok choice

    no it wasnt hard to have one

    yes they are easy to train as long as u take the time to train it

    they are hyper puppies, i didnt like it because they eat a lot of food compare to a samller dog

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