
If you had the chance to see a real ghost, would you?

by  |  earlier

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How would you react?




  1. Ummm...having had experience with the other side, I'm rather glad I don't have that particular gift. I have a gifted friend who sees them as they were in life. some see them as they were when they died (which means if they're missing a limb, etc...). I'm glad I can't see them. It would scare the c**p out of me. lol

    although, I'd give my right arm to be able to see my guardian angel.

  2. To start with, how would I know it is a ghost?

  3. I wish I could see the polar guys in my house that keep taking my stuff.

    I think the ghosts that steal are invisable on purpose.

  4. ghosts aren't real

  5. Seen them but not completely. I was just curious as to why it's here.

  6. I have, and well let's say I didn't bolt, but I wasn't jumping for joy!  It didn't scare me, but it did surprise me.  

    Blessed be

  7. I have seen them. The first time was nerve racking, but when you get used to them then it is not as nerving.

    It can be exciting.

  8. Only if it was someone in my family.

  9. Yes but I'd probably have an anxiety attack.  I would need to be around people too, like a best friend or my husband or somebody in my family.

  10. if i chose to see a ghost, i would choose carefully and think over how i would react depending on the person i chose. however if it just appeared, i would just ignore it. if you acknowledge it once, it will keep coming over and over again to "make friends" with you.

  11. depends on who it was..if it was a family member then yeah and even then i'd probably c**p my pants..

  12. Probably yes, but it would depend on who the ghost was.  I have seen many pictures of ghosts, but have never seen one in person.

  13. I'd love it, and hope that I would have a video camera and audio tape recorder rolling while someone else has an emf detector and infared recorder also recording the entire event.  I hope the ghost communicates something inarguably articulate to me, like the location of some money, and I end up finding it right where he/she said it would be!  Then the skeptics wouldn't have anything to say.

  14. I don't know how I would react. It's one of those things where I would have to see it to believe it. But if I did I would probably scream....LOL

  15. I would love to see a ghost.  I have been trying to see one for years.  Alas, no such luck.

    Honestly I have no idea how I would react.

  16. Sure, that would be cool. How would I react if one actually appeared? I'd want to investigate it. Go up to it, look at it, try to interact with it, etc.

  17. I've had the chance,quite a few times.Over the years I've checked out houses,cemeteries all kinds of places.I'm still waiting for my first sighting.If I saw one,I'd be happy as a clam.I'd try to take pictures,ask it questions.See if it would come home with me.I'd also like to be able to fly.I don't see either thing happening soon.Still,I'm ever hopeful.

  18. Well the last two hurt me pretty good so I would say no.

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