
If you had the choice of cleaning your carpet with a dry carpet cleaning or a wet one which would you do?

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I have found a system that will clean your carpets with a sponge type substance that cleans the carpet phenomenally. I had spilled some massage oil in the carpet and when cleaned up with this product it cleaned it up like it never happened. I was looking into having this as a business so am looking at market research.




  1. Edith Davern

    I too think steam cleaning is a better option, also a professional told me it gives better results.Some of them also need a lot of time to dry up, but using dehumidifiers helps a lot.Find some useful information i saw on a blog here-

  2.  I would absolutely go with a steam cleaning. The "dry cleaning" method is great... IF you don't have young kids who spill alot, and IF you don't have alot of traffic, and IF you get your carpet cleaned all the time... If you're talking about going into business for yourself, steam will be much more versatile, and will allow you to start out with REALLY low prices... the dry cleaning can always be added as a "side venture".

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Edith Davern


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