
If you had the choice of feeding 1000 starving people or going on a twenty day cruise which would you choose?

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  1. Why should someone have to choose this?  That's not reality - it's communism.

  2. 1 meal???! i dont think so! i'd take the cruise becuz. if it was meals forever then i'd feed them. but missin out on (free is it is) a 20 day cruise just to feed the hungry then have them starving 2 days later again. now way!! if the cruise isnt free then i'd feed them also. im not a colde-hearted person. im just sayin my opinion. i would love to make the world a better place!♥

  3. Feed the people because my religion Islam the third pillar is charity by helping the poor and because I can't stand to see people starving to death especially little kids.

  4. How many meals are we talking about?  One? Forever?

  5. I would feed the 1000 people because, I'd be helping lots of people to survive....1000 people is like two or three villages somewhere.

    I think everyone deserves to live.

  6. I feed people everyday (two kids and a husband), and I know there are starving people in the world that need help, but we all need a break. As a hardworking, stay at home mom, I'd take the trip! Just being honest. :)

  7. a cruise, I guess I will say I am selfish

  8. Thats an easy one.  Feed the people.  Not even a thought.  I am a founder of a missionary organization, I think helping others is very important.  Although it helps that cruises don't really interest me that much.

  9. feed the people bc the thought of being trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean doesnt sound very enticing!

  10. .really i would feed 500 people and take a shorter cruise remember you ask just an honest answer

  11. feed 1000 starving people....i think its ovious.....

  12. definitely feed the people. not only because that's more meaningful, i cant imagine being stuck on a cruise for 20 days. i spent 3 days on it and was running out of fun things to do.

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