
If you had the choice to live anywhere in there world where would it be ... ?

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Hey ,,

If you had the choice to live anywhere in there world where would it be and why ?

I'm just curious .

Thanks : - )




  1. id stay where i am as i have all my family around me

  2. As fasr as possible from the madding crowd.

  3. The Isle of Skye in the shadow of the Black Coullin mountains, stunning!

  4. I would want to live in Hawaii b/c it looks so refreshing, and the air seems so clean and I haven't heard about a lot of crime there. If I had the choice, I would definitely live, in this world, in Hawaii. Out of this world I would like for it to  be HEAVEN.

  5. In Bohol island in the Philippines!

    I really love the nature! Its fantastic!

  6. Right where I live at the moment.  Medway, Kent.  I love where I live.

  7. Cape Town, South Africa. Beautiful and vibrant city, which has the beach, the mountain, and lots and lots of wine farms all around it.

  8. away from Wars and terrorist .small Is somewhere in pacific.

  9. Canada please, lovely way of life. Sadly, its hard as h**l to get into to live.

    (that said, the UK rocks)

  10. There are three places if i could live i would...

    I would want to live in Colombia (the country) its just so beautiful and the people are wonderful...

    I would want to visit and stay for peru or barcelona, spain

  11. Australia, There is a beach all around and its warm most of the time

  12. Sligo, Ireland. I lived there for seven months and it felt more like home than my actual home town, only I couldn't manage to stay.

    Given the chance, I would definitely want to go back there.

  13. Having travelled extensively throughout my life, all over the world, I would say the most beautiful place I have ever been is Alaska. There, or Holland. But, My old bones cant take that cold-weather anymore, as much as I would love to live in either place. So, Florida it is for me. And it would be my 3rd choice. Nice weather, beautiful beaches, allot to do. Alaska because of it's beauty, wildlife, mountains, the aurora borealis, (Hope I spelled that right) another term for the same thing is the "Northern Lights", the whole place is just breathtaking. But very cold. And Holland because the people are the most friendly you will ever meet, always happy, it's a VERY clean country, and beautiful as well. Any of the 3 are the best to me, but that's a matter of opinion hun. Just what I think. I doubt any 1-person would agree with me, except my wife, hahaha, but that's not fair. Anyways, hope this answered your question, :)  Take care, and God-Bless to You and Yours. 1st Sgt., 7th Special Forces, (Ret.) Vietnam 67-70

  14. I know its stupid, but if they where strong enough in the clouds.

    I'd have a castle in the sky, when i'd need shopping i would sky dive out of the clouds.

    All my friends and family would have clouds below me and i'd jump from cloud to cloud whoop.

    only trouble would be getting back

  15. Hamstead, London.

    Certain person i'd like to get closer too ..........

  16. Rhyl or Abergele to fish in the river Clwyd

  17. Canada, the mountains, the land, one day.

    and Sweden. i fell in love with the people and the country while i was there.

  18. I want to live all over the world!!!

    I want to make the world my home travelling around until I find a place that makes me want to stay.

  19. australia

    amazin weather..girls...beaches...houses are fairly cheap its just the dream!!

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