
If you had the choice to move to another planet (Just like earth) or stay here what would you do and why?

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If you had the choice to move to another planet (Just like earth) or stay here what would you do and why?




  1. I once asked a similar ? I wouldn't want to move to another planet, only go just for a visit.But if It were EXACTLY like earth, what would be the point? It would have to be a planet w other beings on it and breathable air

  2. I'd probably move.  Sure, my stuff is here.  But stuff can be replaced, and the important stuff can be taken with me.  Plus, I'd love to get off this rock, even if I know it will never happen.

  3. go.. i love space an dwould love to explore it.... this would enable me to do so.

  4. i would stay on earth

  5. If the trip to the new planet was reasonably short, say a few months or less, and the trip was safe, that'd be really cool.  But for now, Earth is where i keep my stuff.

  6. I would take a trip to this new planet just to check it out, but I would never want to leave earth and all of my loved ones.

  7. go.

    for the trip.

    Imagine that you have keen cooped up in your one little town for 10,000 years.  Only a handful of people having been across the river and back, forty years ago.

    You do get some information from other towns. You get postcards and see them on TV, but you never get to go anywhere and it looks pretty much like you won't for quite a while.

    "Hey, do you want to go to another town?"

    --Yeah. Sure!

    "But they say it is exactly like this town.  What's the use?"

    --Never mind.  On the way there, we'll see everything else that is not like this town!

  8. Name one reason why I should seeing no other planet like earth has been found.

    A fairly ridiculous question, imho

  9. If its "just like earth" why move?  Moving is a pain.  It costs a lot, the movers break things, and something is always missing.

  10. If you meant another habited planet much like Earth than I would stay here for the same reason I'm not moving to any other country... all my stuff is here and it can't be that much better there.

    If you meant an uninhabited planet much like Earth was before man than... maybe. I assume I would be one of the first "settlers" of this planet so life would be hard. I would have to cut down tree, create feilds, harvest crops, dig wells, build buildings, etc.. It would be exciting to leave this ailing planet behind and begin laying the framework for a new society, a new civilization I'll admit so I'm going to have to call this a draw. However if I had to leave everyone I knew behind I would probably stay.

    I've already have a pretty good life here; so like I said, it depends.

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