
If you had the money and opportunity, would you have a designer baby?

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You know, being able to select desirable genes for your child, as in strong heart, longer living genes, good looks, intelligence, that sort of thing. I've had mixed feelings about it...but like who doesn't, deep down, want their child to have an edge over others? Is it selfish and wrong, what do you think? I admit if I was rich, I would probably do it.




  1. i wouldnt do it.  it creeps me out.

  2. No way! You can have a child with designer genes with your partner in life.  There are so many different types of blood work that new mother's are going through to let them know of birth defects than what happened 25 and more years ago when the unexpected happened.

    The other thing is, you could have all this so-called perfect genes happen and some birth defect happen later on.

  3. No, I would not. God has a plan and design for each child, it is he who decides how each child's life will be planned out. While I may not understand everything, I would never presume I had any right to mess with His plans.

  4. Nope. I would never. All that money could go to way more important things! Besides... I think it should be a mandatory part of child hood to live in at least some handmedowns!

    Edit: ha, I didnt read closely enough! But still my answer is NO WAY, my son is absolutley perfect! Even if at some point we do find some flaw in him (I highly doubt it) he will still be perfect because that flaw will help him become the man he will be one day.

  5. no, its creepy and un natural.

  6. No I would not and I think its creepy that science has even come up with the idea.

  7. I think the best part about being pregnant is wondering just what you little bundle of joy will look like. will they have your eyes, nose, or chin even?  so I dont think I would ever have a "designer" baby.

  8. Nope.  I wouldn't do it, even if it were free.  I love my son for who he is, and that's all that matters to me.

  9. What a crazy yet very interesting question.  I would never do anything like that personally, as I believe that I made him with my husband/partner and therefore, he is a designer baby.  Another thing, just because one is more intelligent, beautiful, etc., doesn't mean that they will end up better by any means, than another person in the long run.  

  10. Absolutely not.

    I have two beautiful boys who are both perfect just the way they are.

  11. no way. i have to agree that it creeps me out too. i think id rather play roulette and see what i am dealt. done it 3 times so far and i am very lucky to have 3 handsome smart boys

  12. I bet you don't have a child then!!!

    i could never with all the though in the world have been able to design someone as perfect as my man made (well man and woman) boy!! There is no chance that I would and I bet not many parents would either. Maybe to prevent a genetic disease

  13. nope...I already have the most perfect baby i could ask for!!

  14. I would definately consider it!

  15. Probably not, I like my daughter the way she is and I figure the others will probably be somewhat similar. I would take that money and use it for something else.

  16. Forgive me if you aren't Christian but this is an answer reflecting my beliefs. No matter what my daughter was born with or without, she was a designer baby, just designed by the Lord, who knows what my child needs more than I do. I would never tamper with His work.

  17. thats kind of creepy

  18. No i like the way my baby is now. If had money i would put it towards to a good thing not a designer baby

  19. I, like everyone else here, am perfectly in love with my god-given baby.  But, one would still be in love with and the child would still be a natural product of you and your mate, it would just have the best possible results from both of your genes.  I'm really into sci-fi and would probably do it out of sheer curiosity.  Nice question!

  20. it's not for me! i let god hand pick all my children's traits... so far i have one perfect little boy....couldn't have designed him better myself if i had tried!

  21. sure why not. it's our choice.

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