
If you had the opportunity to either.....?

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go into an all-expense paid treatment program for substance abuse (and take care of a gnarly addiction) OR interview with one of the hottest companies in Hollywood for a really cool position, which would you choose? It's an either or situation.




  1. what the heck well you should take care of your problems before you go running off to holywood and before you know it start snorting lines in some club

  2. Treatment is more important than fame.

    Besides, fame always seems to mess people up. Not ALL famous people, it's just that in my opinion, fame isn't the most important thing.

    It is nice to be well known and everything, but if you're on ET or the Daily 10 for something like drug use, what's the point?

    I hate the idea of people talking about you because you're on some dangerous drug, and having people stalking you with their cameras is kinda creepy.

  3. Go hollywood

  4. Do the treatment. It would not take much for it to get around Hollywood that another addict loser was doing auditions. Better to get clean & sober, and then start Hollywood.

    Besides, you have no idea the famous people you can connect with in 12-step meetings in Southern California! They may be rich and famous, but they still attend neighborhood meetings (they do dress down).

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