
If you had the opportunity to know when, where, and how you would die, would you really want to know?

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  1. Yea i would so i can find a way around death and cheat death Muhahahahhhahaha

  2. Absolutely not. Because if I knew this, I would not be able to enjoy the rest of my life. I'd be obsessed with stopping that death, even though it'd be inevitable. I'd probably go insane or become a recluse.

        Thanks for asking.

  3. I have terminal illness, and having lost most of my family to the same disease I have a pretty good idea of how I will die.  I wouldn't want to wake up every morning to face the count-down.  I wake up everyday and try to make it the best I can, for my family and myself.  It is difficult to face my death, but it would be so much worse watching the clock.

  4. no i do not think i would like to know, i mean, what could i do and how could i prevent it if it is my destiny to die at that moment in that place and it would bother me in my life which will become a horrible nightmare, how am i supposed to work and enjoy my life if i know that every moment that passes brings it nearer?, i prefer to live my life the way i do now because simply it will be useless if i know my death place and time.

  5. Actually, yes.  I think I would quit worrying about some many stupid things then.

  6. im not really sure...i would like to know what year,date,and time i would die so that if i die tomorrow i get all the things i want to do done! i would not like to know where or how i would die becaz it would just freak me out if i got shot and saw how my face look like in the last minutes of life. that would change anyone's life.

  7. no, because if I did, it would seem that I'd be afraid of that day to come. I'd stop living my life and I would think that there would be nothing to work or to live for, since I know I'm going to die then and there. I'd quit having fun. Who'd want that?

  8. haha  interesting answers i read in this page before writing my own answer..

    i would not want to know all 3 of them , reason is it would definetly bother me, everytime i remember i would feel bad, sad.

    I dont believe in cheating death , it will find you sooner or later, i mean we all know that EVERYONE is going to taste death :]

    Not knowing is a great thing! you dont worry , you try hard cuz u might die any moment u know, if we knew when we would die then we wouldnt worry bout doing our good deeds on time ;] , when it is hidden its an adventure ^^ , life is a journey we all should enjoy xD

  9. Of course!

    By knowing it, I could set my priority. I want to prepare for all the things before i go. I dont want to have a surprise death!

  10. I would want 2 know, so that i can face my life without fear, i know when i am going to die so in theory i could swim with sharks, or climb mountins, i could do anything i liked

  11. Yes I would.

    Firstly, to avoid it. Say it's a car crash, if you were to avoid that situation, you could continue on with life.

    Next, life is worth living. You don't get multiple shots at it. You get one life in this game. That's all. You should make the most of it!

    Lastly, it gives you an idea of what goals you should and must accomplish before you cease.

  12. I would not want to know. Especially not where, because then i would be avoiding going to the place where i knew it was going to happen. I think knowing when i am going to die would be alright tho, because then i knew how much time i had to get things in order, and do some of the things i have always wanted to before my time came.

  13. It depends.

    If knowing when, where, and how I would die could change when, where, and how I would die, then: yes, I would choose to know.

    But if knowing when, where, and how I would die does not change the fact that I would die at that certain place, time, and manner, then I would choose not to know.

    So what if I could do all the things I wanted to do in life before I died? I would be unhappy doing those things.

    I would rather live my life normally instead of being depressed about how many years/months/weeks/days/hours/minutes/se... I have left to live.

  14. i think i would fail to prepare prepare to fail. hee hee


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