
If you had the option would you leave the UK to live in another country?

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My husband and I considering leaving for Canada with our children....hate it here now.




  1. I would, and I did!

    I left England in the 1970's and emigrated to Canada and I can honestly say that I have never regretted it.

    I was a little homesick during the first year or so, as I missed my parents and brothers, but that is to be expected.

    Whenever I go to England I am shocked by how dirty it is (in the north west), the poor job opportunities and by how expensive everything is.  

    My children (1 born in UK, 2 born in Canada, 2 step children born in Canada also) all have jobs and are buying houses.

    In Ontario housing in general is much cheaper than the UK - you can still buy a brand new detached home here, with three bedrooms, a basement and a garage for under $200,000 which is around 100,000 pounds. - scroll to the bottom of the page and click MLS Real Estate Listings in St Thomas, and follow the prompts to look at the cost of houses here - it will be quite an eye-opener for people in the UK to see that you can buy a detached house for around $100,000 - $150,000

    You could always go to the other country and take a look - it would be worth the cost of a holiday for you to see how people live in the country that you are thinking of going to.

  2. i already have although i'm inbetween the netherlands and wales at the  moment.

    My friend lived in canada, lived in wales then went thing he's ever done.

    If i could afford it, i would move to canada. its gorgeous out there!

    plus, in a bigger country, there's better opportunities for your kids too

  3. Yes, I'm of to Dusseldorf, Germany in a month or so.

  4. Yes, but I would have to decide where x

  5. Yes - I do like Britain but there are a few other places I think I'd prefer to live.

  6. Once the kids have finished their education, I've no reason to stay and neither have they. In fact, I really hope they go elsewhere. The rot has set in now and the UK as a whole can only get worse for the honest, working,indigenous people of this once great land., the last decade plummeting out of control.

    Edit - I'm with you on Canada.

  7. yes to Canada

  8. yes would love to as the uk is no longer great britain all the rights for the workers have gone all we have is scrowngers, teenage slapper moms and druggies who think the world owes them a living this couled with the worst immigration policies the country as gone down the pan.


  10. NO never.  I was born here and I intend to stay in England until I die.

  11. Yes, I hate it here too. have no idea where I could go tho cause I'm an insulin dependant diabetic.

    England has become one of the most inhospitable places and the job market is as c**p as the crime rate and bent everything. LOL

  12. Personally I would want to move to somewhere hot like Australia or New Zeland. However also Canada because I have lots of family over there.

    If you want to go to somewhere different try Singapore it's hot, it's different, it's REALLY clean and everyone speaks fluent english.


  14. Yep i am looking to find a home in the isle of man, i know its still UK but its a lot better

  15. I agree with you 'lady Hamilton'

    If I could somehow move to France, I'd be there on the next Eurostar!

    If you can do it, then you go and do it!

    I am Welsh too! Much love! xxxx

  16. I left for a place the people are still freindly, the streets are clean, in four years I have heard of no crime. Weather is nice food is good and the beer is excellent. Train travel is good and frequent as are the busses. The roads are empty most of the time and very good.Your kids deserve the best and the UK is not it. This has nothing to do with immigration but more to do that in the UK the streets are filthy  the health service is rubbish and you are taxed to the hilt. We have the longest working week in Europe (No chance as a parent to keeps kids on the straight and narrow, you are never at home) and the unhappiest workforce. Quality of life is what you really need.

  17. I have the option, but I like it here.

    The only thing I hate is the d**n weather!

  18. yep Ireland or better  still Anglesey !


  19. I'd like to leave and go to California or New York when I've finished university of course.

  20. yup once ive finished ma A-levels

    i hate it here

    i want to live in:






  21. I was like most of you 3 years ago.  I had had enough of the UK and needed a new scene, a new government, a new way of life.  During my rants about the UK, my husband informs me that we are moving to the US :-)

    3 years on, I am desperate to move back.  The problem is every country has its problems.  The US is one giant mess at the moment.  The people are nice, but that's the only good thing I can say at the moment.  I never realized how good I had it back in the UK.  I miss the history, the beauty, London and other great cities, the food, the fact the Brits are honest about the Government and the state of the Country, the general intelligence of the people, that fact that opinions are not forced on you, our compassion and awareness of the world outside the UK, the BBC and even (dare I say it) the healthcare system (I admit I often went private!).

    I have been reading into regulations and human safety between from the EU and the US.  The US consumer safety laws with regards to chemical in every day household products, furnishings, food and cosmetics is downright scary!  The EU has much more stringent regulations and concerns for human safety.  The chemical companies have too much power over here.

    I know there are lots of great countries to live in and I know the US also has its great points, but also don't forget everything great about the UK.  For me the greatest thing about the UK, are the family and friends that live there, whom I miss so much :-(

  22. omg ur soo lucky!!, lol go for it, i want to live in canada when im older! i think the UK is boring

  23. NO WAY! The UK is great. You really shouldn't knock it. For all its downsides, there are plus sides, and far more the downsides. We have the NHS (not the best - but we shouldn't moan!), we have very good infrastructure, and many areas have great people. OK, so people get money, sometimes I agree, sometimes i don't. I agree people on LOW INCOME should get help - its probably not 100% their fault, and that students (like myself) for low income families get money for going to college. I disagree with other aspects, such as giving people money because they can't be bothered to go out an earn something (fair enough if they CAN'T, but if they can but don't thats wrong!). We also have a lot of fantastic scenery, that people often simply don't think about - we're a very diverse country, and I really do think people from the UK should CARE MORE ABOUT THE UK - if you don't like something - try your hardest to change it, most of the time it WILL work

  24. only with a gorgeous woman!

  25. I did. I moved to Cyprus 6 years ago. The best thing i ever did.

  26. As much as i would love to move abroad i know that my home will always be here

  27. If I was younger and my family not all married and settled I would definitely go. I don't feel safe here anymore but wouldn't be separated from my family.



  29. depends where to

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