
If you had the power of invisibility..which would be the first place you sneak into?

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@Wayne s

sneak(v):To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way.

has nothing to do with being invisible :)




  1. To the airport and take any plane to any place outside Egypt :) lol

  2. every store in the mall, then the bank

  3. police stations

    and the place where they put the grades on the sanwya 3ama tests  yallahwyyyy

  4. the control room where my exam papers are corrected...


  5. Egypt...thats where all the beautiful men are.

  6. A swingers club!!!!!!

  7. I think i will NOT go anywhere

    aw bma3na asa7 ... ana mesh 7l7a2 aro7 7eta

    because while crossing the street, i will directly get hit by a fast car (( the driver wouldn't see me ))


  8. If you where invisible why would you have to sneak? No one can see you.

    Anyways many people in our society are "invisible", so you really don't need any special powers.

    Sarcasm aside, I would like to go to Washington and read all the classified documents.

  9. i will visit all the gov. see the ministers and all ................

  10. the BANK!!!!!

  11. The mosque were I am going to get married.

    I really really hate being the center of attention, and it would be nice if I were invisible in my own wedding.

  12. hehe...balash t3rf....

  13. a bank vault

  14. The ladies rest room ... i am sure a lot of things going on there and worths the trial  :))

  15. ur mind :D

  16. The Sphinx, since this in in the Egypt category....Also, I'd sneak on to the plane that flies me there, so I guess technically, it would 1st be the plane, THEN the sphinx.

  17. the control room of Y!A ..

  18. i've the power of invisibility, through people's eyes to their hearts without seeing me or even feeling my presence in there.....and that's my favourite place to sneak into :)

  19. to the final match of the world cup without buying tickets

  20. 1st class on the plane.


    there for i would feel comfortable on my ride to egypt every time.

  21. Johnny Depp's shower

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