
If you had the strenght to, would you stop eating meat?

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No excuses like 'but, where would I get my protein?'

We all know you can get the same amount of protein from a piece of meat, by eating 7 chick peas.

Here are a few question to meat eaters:

Does it bother you that you ate a creature earlier today?

Do you ever think how your food got to your plate?

Do you imagine what the animal must feel like when he knows he's about to be killed?

No need for ignorant freaks, mature adults only.





  1. 1. Only eat things that have been broken into pieces; that way, all the calories fall out.

    2. Foods that have the same color have the same number of calories. Examples are: spinach and pistachio ice cream; mushrooms and white chocolate. NOTE: Chocolate is a universal color and may be substituted for any other food color.

    3. Cookie pieces contain no fat– the process of breaking causes fat leakage. Exception: Cookies sold by TEXAS D’LITES distributors. Great “Meal Replacement” with little or no FAT content, low in calories, lots of fiber, protein, and other nutritional ingredients.

    4. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.

    5. When you eat with someone else, calories don’t count if you don’t eat more than they do.

    6. If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.

    7. The kids over seas are starving, so naturally I have to clean my plate.

    8. I felt left out because they were eating.

    9. Foods that are frozen have no calories because calories are units of heat. Examples are ice cream, frozen pies, and Popsicles.

    10. Things licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something. Examples are peanut butter on a knife making a sandwich and ice cream on a spoon making a sundae.

    11. Movie related foods (Milk Duds, Buttered Popcorn, Junior Mints, Red Hots, Tootsie Rolls, etc.) do not have additional calories because they are part of the entertainment package and not part of one’s personal fuel.

  2. i m  anon vegeterian but in coming days i know i m going to leave all these things . its very difficult bcoz from our childhood the food we liked too much how we can stop eating but now a days i feel like vomit when i cook omlet for my family. i know i will be able to leave  all the meat one day . but friend what will you say about those people they newly started eating humen body parts. we have pain for animals but what about those small girls?

  3. whoo hoo! ive been vegetarian for 2 years!!!

  4. I was pondering vegetarianism and veganism for a few months. Just the thought of eating another living being, ugh. The 30 Days episode where the guy lived with the vegans helped, but Earthlings sealed the deal.

  5. I know I have the "strength" as you call it because I was a "vegetarian" for a month on a bet. It was easy and didn't require much strenght at all. However, I choose not to become one. Now vegetarians always say they choose not to eat meat. Good because I am also just excerciing my right to choose not to be a vegetarian.

    As for you follow up questions:

    1) No it does not bother me at all. To be more accurate, I did not eat a creature earlier today. The last time I ate part of a creature was yesterday when I had some Chinese porridge and dimsum for lunch. I eat meat about 3-4 times a week

    2) I don't think about it constantly as I have other things to concern myself. . But I know how. We are farm owners (both crop and animal breeding pogram) and we get most of out supplies from other farms. We also have restaurants and I deal with ranchers and planters and, wholesale suppliers for both all the time. I have seen and participated in the butchering of aninals. I have butchered quite a few that I have hunted myself.

    3)  No I don't imagine it because I don't have to. I know they feel pain that's why the butchering method we follow is as "painless" as it can be. But do I think about it? Not at all because I don't have to and I don't see any reason why I should.

    Now perhaps you can also ask youself similar queations:

    1) Does it bother you that you are eating something that during the land preparation, planting and harvesting not to mention transporting also killed a lot of animals.

    2) Do you ever think of how many animals died and/or  lost their homes (and perhaps condemend to starvation and death) because their natural habitat was bulldozed to make a house such as the one you are living in now? Or a farm where plant foods are sown, grown and harvested?

    3) Do you imagine predatory animals starving because their herbivore preys are being systematically killed (with government sponsorship) to prevent them from devastaing crop farms from where your vegetables and fruits come?How about the 175 million children involved in crop farming world wide? (300,000 in the US alone). They are physically, emotionally and mentally abused and denied basic services such as adequate sanitation and education. Many are raped, beaten and killed. In the US, they comprise only 8% of the total child labor force but suffer 40% of all accidents and deaths. Some of them are literally worked to death.

  6. It was really easy for me to stop eating meat, and I used to be a total hamburger and steak monger. My favorite weekend food was filet mignon or chateaubriand. I just stopped one day and I don't miss it at all. The funny thing is that when I wasn't a vegetarian I still enjoyed veggie burgers, smart dogs, vegan cookies, and nut milks. I definitely still get enough protein and I have more energy than ever.

  7. I've been a vegetarian for a year, and I'm in the process of switching to veganism.

    I can understand that you are trying to show people your point of view, but I must say that meat eaters are going to think you are trying to "convert" them. Vegetarianism is a very personal decision, and I'm sure you wouldn't like meat eaters pushing their beliefs on you. Not saying that you are pushing your beliefs on anyone, but just that people are going to get the wrong idea.

    Remember, vegetarianism is about love and compassion :)

  8. I actually tried being a vegeterian for the entire summer a few years back. I'll tell you, it does take a lot of strength to reject something as "yummy" as meat. Your argument is a valid one, but I just say to each his own. I would never try to "convert" a vegetarian to a meat eater. It's just something that I choose to go. The taste is so good. But I must say. If I had the willpower, I probably would stop eating meat. It's way more healthy and there are scientific studies that show that vegans/vegetarians live a longer, stronger life.

  9. Q 1 No it taste fine. I choose to eat meat. And no I did not know about the chick peas. Thank you for that information.

    Q2 Yes I used to work on a farm, beef and sheep.

    Q3 No but I do imagine how an animal such a a gazelle must feel when one lion has hold of its throat while another hauls a chunk of its leg off while it is still alive. We, generally, kill animals in a very humane manner. Fact is if the animal is stressed the meat is too tough to eat.

    I am not an ignorant freak either.

    I wonder if you are mature enough to accept that many people have differing veiws. You choose not to eat meat and I am not fussed in any way. It is your choice and I would not dare try to tell you any differently unless you should ask my opinion.

  10. I have tried a variety of foods because of my curios nature.  A good friend of my is a vegatarian so i always searched for vegetarian freindly places to eat.  We went to a vegan resturant and the meal was really good.  

    As far as does it bother me that I ate an animal that was living at one time.  No.  I do inclued that animal in my prayers and thank it.  Does it bother me that the animal was probaly suffer and died an inhumaine death. Yes Agian that is why I pray.  

    The crazy thing is I think about vegetables and plants as living things and i give my thank to them to.

    I know I could cut out every meat except seafood and veganism is out of the question cause I love dairy.

    So There it is .

  11. Already stopped eating meat a month ago...... and know that I think about it I do feel bad I would eat an actual leg from a chicken. Grosses me out thinking about it. Btw, meat eaters will convert if they want, we have no say in what they eat.

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