
If you had three wishes in Life, What would they be.... and Why??

by  |  earlier

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Explain why would you want each of your three wishes....




  1. more wishes! hehe

    i would need quite a few wishes so i can help everyone i love financially and so i could wish them good health and happiness!  

  2. I would wish that people would stop posting this d**n wish post all the time

  3. Id wish my family was always safe. so i don't have to worry.

    Id wish i was rich. so i could live better.

    Id wish to have my own popeyes chicken. cause i love fried chicken

  4. 1) As many wishes as I want for all of eternity

    2) End all suffering (which would involve world peace, hunger ending, etc.)

    3) Everyone is immortal...woohooo!

  5. -meet adam brody

    -get a million bucks

    -3 more wishes, please

  6. for unlimited wishes.

    then, uuhhh to be an awesome fighter and no laws so i kan be an awesome fighting killer guy!!!!!!!!!!!

    yay! woohhoo!

    oh and immortality for everyone so i can shoot everyone in the world and drop a nuclear bomb and no one wil die. yea we can all shoot and stab and cut each other but never die!!

  7. 1. To be immune to all diseases: So I dont have to deal with them

    2. To live in peace away from humankind: Humans annoy me and all I want is to get away from them

    3. To have the power of a god: Pretty explainatory there

  8. more money.

    all hot chicks had to be naked.

    all hot chicks had to be my girlfriend

  9. 1. I'd wish I'd live forever thru everything until everyone in the world was dead or i wanted to die.

    2. I'd wish me and my family would be healthy for the rest of our lives.

    3. I wish i wasnt rich but always had enough money to not worry about paying for things.

  10. I wouldnt wish for life is supposed to be the way it is and I wouldnt change that

  11. id wish for 100 more wishes

  12. health - wealth - and a good woman to share it with

  13. 1.  To have enough money so we dont stress about it.  We dont have to be millionaires, but an extra $2000 a month would be a huge help.

    2. That my daughter leads a long, happy and healthy life.  

    3.  May no one feel so desperate and hopeless in their lives that they resort to desperate measures.  

  14. True Love : because there is nothing that makes someones heart happy as love. and of course being loved in return is special.  

    Long life: not for me but for people i love to share my life with and to show them how happy i am. I mean a real long life.  Everyone i care, love needs to die after me not before. I can't bare losing them.

    Magic: because then i can make myself and people around me calm. ( when i am angry i ruin everything,say things i don't mean.little arguments is fine but no big fights) and with magic i can earn money to buy food and live in comfort with people i love. and get my other wishes come true. =)

  15. to invent a time traveling machine so i could go and travel through time

  16. if i could not wish for more wishes, i would wish for the ability to enhance (or develop, whichever term you prefer) my mental capabilities, i would also wish to be able to understand any emotion, and be able to convey them, and, lastly, i would wish to have all the money i needed, no more than that, only what i need.

    honestly, how many times have you needed to convey an emotion, and wasnt able to? too many in my case. i would want the money that i needed, just for bills, medical expenses, any debts that i owe... the like. i dont think i would need to wish for a million, because, it could be dangerous, and, honestly, it just doesnt seem fair to wish (and, if possible recieve) money like that, because i would just go out and blow it, because i would get over confident about it. at least with all the money i NEED, i would have it when i needed it.

    it was a fun question to answer.

    have a great day!!!


  17. I would wish for a lot of money, to get my parents out of debt.

    I would wish for an end to abortion, because its murder.

    I would wish for world peace, because we need it.

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