
If you had three wishes???

by  |  earlier

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for/to do anything, what would they be?




  1. Good health



    (for me and my family)

  2. I wish for heaven on earth--that will cover all  of the human suffering thing.  Next,  I wish for a  refresh button (like on a computer) for the planet earth--that will take care of the global warming thing, and third, I could really use a new pair of b***s.   Please don't report me for saying b***s!  Or can I have that as my fourth wish?

    Fun question!

  3. I want to maintain the present living standard that just fulfil the normal and basic living standard.

    I want that all the eldest could have the sufficient caring from the society.

    I want that there will not have any life, leave and death to any people. Anyone can have the best life.

  4. Wish to immortally

    Wish for money that don't run out

    Wish for 3 more wishes!

  5. 1. Get rid of all the world hunger and poverty

    2. Get married to my dream man

    3.Get unlimited money for me and everyone poor.

  6. Health

    Go back in time - 3 years

    More wishes

  7. 1. for a great guy to come into my life and be my boyfriend

    2. to get a chii persacon

    3. to be the richest person in the world

  8. Thanks for asking this..I need to express right now lol.

    ok 1. To find true love that will last and make me happy

    2. To be able to better the lives of really unfortunate people.

    3. To be able to become a famous singer with a amazing voice

    I know there a little mushy but seriously thats all I want

    and If I had to substitute I would put Famous .

  9. first wish i will talk to GOD..

    second third i will decide later.. after meeting..


  10. 1. Stop global warming and save the wooorlllddd!!

    2. Save all the starving/poor people and make sure they have food ect..

    3. Be the most important person in the history of fashion & design! And make billionzzz for the poor, my family and me.

    (1 more wish, that everyone was nice to each other and them selves, and that no wars and all that stuff wouldn't happen. Basiclly.. World Peace.)

  11. 1, Guaranteed happiness,

    2, To be comfortably well off,

    3, 3 more wishes.

  12. get rid of chavs

    get rid of world hunger

    get rid of money altogether cause that causes all the c**p lol

  13. Kirsten Dunst - a ss, pus sy, a ss, gob.

    Sorry, that's four wishes.

  14. health for me

    health for my family

    another 3 wishes

  15. You only need two.

    l. health for humanity

    2. wisdom for humanity.  (this one would take care of peace, hunger, prosperity, and about everything else, maybe even health)

  16. 1. Peace on earth

    2.Goodwill towards men

    3. Guarantee of the first two!

  17. Be a Rock God.

    Rule the World.

    Unlimited money.

    Not bad eh? ;]

  18. to live in a better world,

    that all people be good to eachother

    to have another 3 wishes

  19. Well you didn't say anything about not being able to wish for more wishes, so I would wish for:

    "Unlimited wishes".


    (Also, do these wishes come true?)

  20. superman powers. the money and babes would come later.

  21. loads of money

    never get ill

    never grow old

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