
If you had to, how long could you live on the food you have in your house?

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If there were an emergency situation and you couldn't leave your house, but you could use your water and electric, how long could your family live off of what you have to eat in your house?

In my family's case, if we rationed the food we could live upwards of a month...but it would be more like 2 weeks if we were to eat enough.




  1. well im a food hoarder and severe binge eater(over 8000 calories a day) so i would last for about 2 months(eating how i do)

  2. Between the freezers, fridge, and non perishables I like we're good for at least 2 months maybe more. h**l if we're that desperate there is also the cat, bunny and hamster food and well then the cats, bunny and hamster.

  3. Oh easily two months or more.

    I have four cabinets just chock-full of stored supplies. Canned beans, rice and other staples. What's in the fridge will be gone fastest, but there isn't much there, just fresh fruit and veggies in the fridge and a freezer full of leftovers.

    Most of my food I buy in advance, I stock up on a good price. Asceptically packaged soy milk and tofu can sit around for ages. Dry beans and grains have a long shelf life.

    I have a lot of frozen vegetables in my fridge.

    Tons of staples like peanut butter, sugar, flour.

    Calorie-wise, even though the diet would no longer be nutritionally balanced, I'd still eat enough to sustain my weight for a good long while.

    We'd run out of water quickest, assuming we'd be completely cut off from the outside world. However, if the tap works, we're all good.

  4. Like a week. My brother is a pig. haha

  5. If rationed, probably a few months. If we ate normally, probably around 3 or 4 weeks. Probably longer actually... I buy in bulk!

  6. I buy most of my food in bulk(saves money that way). I would guess that I ave about a month and a half to two months worth of food(between frozen, canned and vacuumed sealed food).

  7. Our family buys in bulk from COSTCO, so probably 2 months about. :)

  8. Hard to say because I've never tried it.  Usually I moan that there's no food in the house even though the cupboards are full of staples.  I'd guess a month or so based on the beans, grains, flour and stuff I have hanging around.  I'd run out of fruits and vegetables pretty quickly, though, because I don't use canned veggies at all (save for tomato products) and have precious little frozen veggies.  I guess I could cook up a lot of the fresh produce and freeze it for rationing, though.  Interesting thought, it kind of makes me want to lay in more food stores, though I have nowhere to put it.

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