
If you had to build a team around one of these three,Joe Johnson,Richard Hamilton and Michael Redd.Who will..?

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You pick?Remember,only 1 out of these three.




  1. Michael Redd, he works hard and can shoot lights out, plus he's still young.

  2. Joe Johnson. everyone else is getting old.


  4. i'll go with Rip, because i like the way he plays, he doesn't take shots out of his zone, he knows he's a mid range shooter, and those are the shots he will take, he's one of the under appreciated SG's in the NBA

  5. Hamilton.

  6. Micheal Redd. Amazing shooter and young.

  7. Rip Hamilton!!!!!!!

  8. I would pick Joe Johnson because he can create his own shot (unlike Hamilton who needs picks). He can also shot reliable 3's (like Redd), comes in clutch (unlike Redd) and has the ability to take over a game (just ask Boston). Joe Johnson is in his prime, he has all-star talent and he possesses leadership qualities that got the Hawks into the playoffs. Joe Johnson is an adept ballhandler and an above-average defender who doesn't have any offcourt behaviors and seems composed and poised at pressured times. You cannot go wrong picking on a shooter, slasher, star and leader.

  9. I'd take Joe Johnson.

    Ideally, it's very hard to build a team around any of these guys: they're 2nd tier NBA stars, but that's what makes the question appealing.

    Johnson is only 26 years old- compared to Hamilton who is 29 and Redd who is 28.

    Scoring wise, Hamilton and Redd are both more efficient than Johnson- they each have a TS% (true shooting percentage which combines 2 pt field goals, 3 pointers, and free throws in one percentage) 55% and 56% respectively while Johnson shoots 53%.

    However, Johnson scores the most- he averages 23 points compared to Redd who averages 22, and Hamilton who's a notch below these guys: he averages 17 per game (however, he also plays 5 less minutes than Johnson per game and 7 less minutes than Redd).

    So, scoring wise, they are all pretty equal- edge to Redd because of his efficiency and his ability to get to the line (he gets to the line 7 times a game, while Johnson gets to the stripe an average of .4.5 times a game and Hamilton only 3 times a game).

    I'd pretty much take Hamilton out of the equation- he's not the all around player Johnson or even Redd is, nor the same isolation scorer; Hamilton scores on the mid-range game, coming off screens and such- that's great when he's on a team as good as the Pistons, who have numerous weapons offensively in Prince, Billups, Rasheed, but on a team where he's asked to be the main option, Hamilton simply doesn't cut it- because of his offensive style and lack of isolation scoring off the dribble (teams will just switch on the picks or double him off them- something the Cavs did to Ray Allen during the Celtics series, that worked very well) as well as his lack of ability to get to the free throw line (which is essential because  it means a player is attacking the basket and that opens things up for the rest of the team).

    So, Hamilton's a great option on a team with many offensive weapons, but his lack of versatility offensively would hurt him if he was the sole main option.

    Redd and Johnson are far more diverse offensively- they can shoot the three better (each make around 2 threes a game with Johnson shooting the higher %.)

    They both also get to the line more because of their ability to drive- Johnson with his speed and Redd with his patented spin move when driving left).

    Johnson and Redd are comparable rebounders but the main difference between them is their playmaking abilities.

    When Johnson is on the court, he assists 26% of his teammate's shots- Redd assists only 16%- that's a huge difference, and because of Johnson;s ability to pass, he makes things easier for his teammates.

    Right now, I'd say none of these players are clearly better than the other- Hamilton is very valuable at the role he plays with the Pistons- as a scorer who plays solid defense, is not turnover prone, underrated passer.

    The difference with Johnson is he has the youth and defense over Redd, and the offensive versatility over Hamilton: basically, he's the best all-around player out of the bunch, and that's key when choosing a franchise player.

    Redd and Johnson are pretty equivalent in terms of turning the ball over (Redd averages the same number of turnovers if they both played equal minutes), and while Hamilton does excel more in taking care of the ball, he also handles it less than Johnson and Redd, so that makes up for some of the difference.

    Defensively, Hamilton is scrappy, Johnson is pretty good because of his quickness- Redd, however, is not: he seems not to put much effort into that part of his game.

    Overall, I'd take Johnson slightly over Redd, though it's a hard decision because Redd attacks the hoop more than Johnson (70% of his shots are jumpers compared to 80% for Johnson- consequently more of his shots are closer to the hoop/inside shots).

    Sticking with Johnson though because he's pretty much Redd's equal in terms of isolation scoring and scoring in general despite getting to the line less, and his superiority in defense and playmaking give him the edge.

    I like Hamilton a lot but he's a worse scorer than these guys,  and because of his style of offense, as I mentioned earlier, he's easier to stop if he's the focal point of the offense; he's also a worse isolation scorer than both of them, and a worse all around player than Johnson, and arguably Redd.

    So, with Johnson's age, as well as everything else I mentioned, I'm taking him to build my team around.

  10. redd is a 2nd round draft pick. Not that valuable. Richard Hamilton needs picks and can't play 1-on-1. Go with Joe Johnson. Good defender, sweet jump shot and can pop the 3 ball in front off a defender all over him. Also Joe Johnson is young.

  11. Joe Johnson

  12. Joe Johnson

    he has a great jumpshot, good shooter, and he is an all around player.

    That and he is young =)

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