
If you had to choose, would you marry for money or looks?

by  |  earlier

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You could either have a good looking man or woman or someone who is rich. Which would you choose?




  1. Money because looks fade with time anyway.

  2. looks, money isn't important but you have to be attracted to them

  3. Money, of course!

  4. OMG... probly looks... lol... but generally personality rocks...

  5. LOOks;! :P

  6. I already married for looks. Next time it's for money! You can't live on love! ♥♥

  7. love.

  8. Anyone looks good when they have enough money!!  

  9. looks

  10. Depends how ugly, lol. Like if im repulsed by him i don't think i could do it, but if he was like average looking i'd go for money i suppose although looks would be nice. Wow good question.


  11. looks. money is material. Although it wouldn't hurt for him to have some cash either.

  12. don't need money to be happy!

  13. looks  

  14. Looks.

  15. Good Looking

  16. hmm that's a hard one, seeing as though personality is the ticket for me... however, if they already had the personality part down... i think i'd choose looks... lol, i can make the money :)

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