
If you had to choose, would you rather your daughter be anorexic or fat?

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If you had to choose, would you rather your daughter be anorexic or fat?




  1. Fat.  I know there are consequences for people that get morbidly obese, but at least we could really work on eating healthy and getting back on track etc.  Anorexic is sooooooooooo scary.  Once someone becomes anorexic it's very hard to make them start eating and they deteriorate right before your's so sad.

  2. fat

  3. Fat.

    Anorexics can never be truly happy, because they will always be obsessing about their weight.

  4. i can see what point your trying to make but you gotta realise that anorexia is a mental disorder. Being over weight is not.

  5. fat.

  6. I'd rather have her fat.

  7. I also agree with everyone else I would choose fat.   Fat can slowly damage the heart(10-20yrs) but anorexia will do it much faster(in one yr). Fat can be controlled easier too. Since you are the parent you control the food brought into the home so you buy just the good healthy stuff and cook it and portion it out in good healthy ways.

  8. fat, its easier to recover from because its a physical thing she prolly doesnt like either while being anorexic she might have a resist to get rid of her problem and its mental and well being that skinny looks real gross

  9. fat, you can always loose weight

  10. Both could cause serious health issues,  but I guess I'd prefer fat because I think you'd be less likely to die than with anorexia.  Anorexia is alot of mental issues too.  There is probably more options for fat people like gastoric bypass and hiring a trainer or nutritionist, weight watchers, etc.  This is a very odd question to ask.

  11. fat, i could always take her to a gym

  12. fat. anorexia is a mental disorder, fat is usually just fat. Its easier to help a child lose weight than it is to help an anorexic overcome their disorder.

  13. Fat.  Someone who is anorexic has a very severe, life threatening mental illness that is difficult to kick, even with the best support and care. A daughter who is fat not only will likely have a longer life span, but can change her situation given enough of the right kind of support.

  14. I agree with everyone else.  I would rather my child be fat.

  15. Deffinatly fat!  I would love my child regardless of how big he or she was and with my love an support i would help them loose some weight to be healthy.  Anorexia is a horrible disease that is so hard to overcome and there are so many more heartbreaks that come out of anorexia than bein over weight,

  16. What kind of parent are you?  Why would you want your daughter to be either?  Either way as her parent YOU contribute to it unless it's medical.  I'd want my child to be healthy and active and I, as her parent, HAVE to set the role and be that myself.  Both are mental with anorexia being worse of the two because it's a visual disorder (they actually see themselves as overweight in the mirror) as well as mental.  Being overweight usually suggests low self image and depression and usually besides diet and exercise, some therapy is needed to help with depression and eating habits.  Usually people associate food to comfort.  If you have a child that is anorexic, GET MEDICAL HELP!  If you have a child that's overweight, GET MEDICAL HELP!  Either way you're partly to blame.  If you set a healthy guideline for your child with diet and exercise all in balance, you SHOULDN'T have this problem unless it's medically related.

  17. Anorexia is a horrible disorder, usually the girl doesn't like her body and can't stand what she sees in the mirror. Being fat is another issue, people can loose weight from being fat. Yes both of these issues can be dangerous but when you are fat you can cut back on what you are eating and start exercising more however anorexia you really need to see a therapist.

  18. No, actually both can be mental disorders in a way.

    If you're addicted to food, and you're fat, then that may be a disorder.

    I've known what it's like to be chubby, but I've never been skinny. But I think I'd rather go back to being chubby though.

  19. Define "fat".

    If by fat you mean obese, I couldn't chose either. Neither are healthy at all and both can lead to a variety of health issues and even death. If you mean just a bit overweight, then obviously I would choose overweight. Anorexia is a mental disease as well as being physically unhealthy. Being obese is usually caused by an eating disorder too. I would not desire for my child to have an eating disorder or an unhealthy body image.

    But being just a bit underweight or a bit overweight without having an eating disorder are both generally not going to cause any health issues.

  20. fat! you can get rid of extra pounds, but being anorexic is a HORRIBle disorder that's hard to handle

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